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The next day, Ayla got ready to meet her godfather. She put on a black mid-thigh skirt and a white long-sleeve shirt. She put her dad's jacket over to the top and tied her hair into a ponytail. She walked downstairs and saw her godfather and uncle beefing with each other. She noticed Enzo, Draco and Mattheo watch.

"Well, you clearly haven't changed one bit," Remus exclaimed.

"If you don't like it then leave." Lucius spat back.

"I'm not here for you. I'd be surprised if anyone was. I'm here for my goddaughter."

"And I'm here!" She said yelling over their voices to make herself noticed. They looked at her in relief. Mattheo full-on checked her out making Enzo and Draco laugh at him. He pushed Enzo's arm making him bump into Draco. "Can we go Uncle Remus?"

"Sure thing, darling." He said. "Nice jacket." He gave her a thumbs up and a wink. Before they left, Lucius grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

"Have a nice day, Black."

"I will, Elsa. Goodbye." Then she slammed the door in his face. She looked at her godfather and they laughed. They went to a small restaurant in London for breakfast. They were seated at a table. They both ordered pancakes and waited to get served. Once they got their food they started conversing...

"Elsa, seriously." Remus laughed. "I like totally see it but like out of everything the ice queen from Frozen."

"What'd you think I'd say? Snow White?" Remus burst out laughing. he banged on the table a few times.

"Nice jacket. Where'd you get it?" Remus asked.

"My dad's room. Grandma let me take it."

"You sure she hasn't poisoned it or anything?" 

"I highly doubt it."

"So, how had life been?"

"Meh. I uh got accepted into Hogwarts. I have a pet owl that kinda never leaves my room. Lucius is a git like always. Dad broke out of Azkaban and I lowkey think he's stalking me." Remus scoffed at the last bit.

"How? Him keeping an eye on you is too risky."

"Why? How?"

"You're the most obvious target. You and Harry of course. You're his daughter, Ayla. Whether you like it or not."

"Then explain how I saw him yesterday."


" I went to visit grandma yesterday and across the road, I saw a man. He waved at me and I started walking over slowly. I ended up in the middle of the road to finally realise who it was. Minus the fact, I almost got hit by a truck but after that happened he disappeared. I knew it was my dad."

"What did he look like?"

"Around I'm guessing 6'3, black-greyish hair, his clothes were ragged but no one saw him but me."

"I think you're being paranoid."

"Maybe but I swear it was him."

"I'm not saying it wasn't but think about it. It could've been anybody. Now eat your food."

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