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"Ayla. Wake your ass up!!" Enzo screamed flipping the light on and off. Viola hid under her covers and Pansy was nowhere to be seen. "We have school."

"Fuck off Lorenzo." She groaned. She felt someone grab the end of her blankets and yank them off. "What the fuck?"

"Get up." She heard her father say.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Ayla crawled into a fetal position and grabbed a pillow to cover her from the light.

"Ayla Estelle Black. Get your lazy ass up now!"

J: the middle name and all...she's in trouble

B: Sirius is just annoying her.

"Piss off dad!" She yelled. Only to realise how much of a mistake that was. Sirius carried his daughter and began to walk. "Where are we going?"

"I'm embarrassing my daughter." Then he dropped her on the ground in the Slytherin common room. Everyone looked at her as she laid on the floor.


J: the third...

B: what?

J: Sirius Orion Black the third.


"Oww!!" She exclaimed. "What the fuck was that for?"

"For not listening to me." He said.

"Hi, Mr Black. I'm Ayla's friend, Pansy." Ayla rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"See, why don't you have some manners like your friend here?" Sirius said.

"Oh I'm sorry, dad. Do you want me to be like 'Good morning, father.' This isn't 1864." She argued.

"Do you really let your daughter talk to you like that?" Pansy asked Sirius.

B: bitch

"Fuck off, Pansy. Draco get your girlfriend away from my dad." She called out. Her cousin got off the couch and dragged Pansy away.

"Holy shit." Blaise said. "Ayla, he looks just like you. Except, he's a man."

"No shit really, Blaise?" Ayla asked sarcastically.

"So this is the famous Blaise Zabini?" Sirius questioned.

"My best friend talks about me? How cute!" Blaise said. Ayla rolled her eyes.

"Does she give all her friends attitude?" Her father asked Blaise.

"Pretty much except Mattheo." Blaise said. Ayla froze knowing her father would question that.

"Okay! I've got to get ready for school. I'll see you at breakfast, Blaise. Dad leave the way you came in." She said walking off.

"We're still having a conversation about that!" She heard him yell as she walked up the stairs to her dorm.


Ayla say next to Viola and Blaise sat across telling the two about his family in France he visited.

"My stepdad took us to the Eiffel Tower and we used this muggle thing called a camera. It takes the little things called pictures. Isn't that cool?" Blaise explained.

"Blaise, you do realise we have cameras in the Wizarding World too?" Viola asked. Ayla laughed. Surely Blaise wasn't that stupid.

"I know but with the muggle one, their pictures don't move. How crazy is that?!" Ayla laughed at her friend's excitement for cameras. She felt someone sit next to her and wrap their arm around her shoulders. She looked to see Mattheo who smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Morning." He yawned before taking a piece of bacon off Ayla's plate.

"Blaise was just telling us about muggle cameras and his trip to France." Ayla said. Viola eyed Mattheo's arm for a second then looked at Blaise who was looking at the pair before making eye contact with Vi.

"That sounds somewhat interesting." Mattheo said.

"Did you know muggle cameras take pictures that don't move?" Blaise asked.

"Wow. I did not know that." Mattheo answered.

"Ayla, can I talk to you for a second?" Viola asked standing up. Ayla nodded and got up after her. Blaise and Mattheo watched as they exited the great hall.

"Okay, what the fuck was that?" Blaise asked. Mattheo looked at him confused.

"What was what?" He asked.

"That! The arm around her shoulders and the smiling. You couldn't keep your eyes off her." Blaise said. Mattheo smirked. "What happened last night? When you chased after her? What happened?"

"Don't tell Draco or anyone for that matter." He warned.

"Yea, I won't but what the fuck happened?" Blaise promised.

"I kissed her." He said. Blaise's jaw dropped and eyes widen.

"No fucking way!" Blaise exclaimed. "You did not?!" Mattheo smirked. "Who knows?"

"Enzo, you and probably Vi." Meanwhile with Viola and Ayla.

"HE WHAT?!" Viola screamed.

"Shut up." Ayla shushed.

"You kissed Mattheo Riddle. You kissed Mattheo Riddle." She muttered.

"He kissed me but whatever. Don't tell Pansy and sure as fuck don't tell Draco." She warned.

"Cross my heart and soul. I will not tell anyone."

"Thank you." Ayla thanked.

"Okay but tell me was he a good kisser?" Vi asked.

"Viola!" Ayla screamed but no matter how much she tried Ayla couldn't help but smile.

"He was, wasn't he?" Vi smirked. Ayla's smile grew. "Oh that smile tells me everything."

"Shut up, will you?"

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