Good news and bad news

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Ayla left the room with confusion and butterflies in her stomach. She walked into the other room and saw her aunt and her uncle. She smirked at her uncle as he glared at her in fury.

"Ayla, we have good news and bad news. The good news is your things from Hogwarts are in your room. We were planning on going there for a trip but it just seemed with the events, your uncle has caused-" Narcissa explained until Lucius interrupted her.

"Me?! She's the one that lunged at me and-" Acts as the victim like always, Ayla thought. 

"You were talking shit about my mother." Ayla defended.

"Yes, but you attacked me."

"I guess the saying is like mother like daughter. I know she wrecked your shit so I did the same thing."

"You little bi-"

"Lucius! As I was saying earlier, We would've gone today but accidents happen. So, your godfather is picking you up tomorrow to get your wand and maybe you would like to hang out with him. Seeing as you don't see him much." Ayla had the brightest smile on her face.

"Seriously?!" She hugged her aunt and thanked her. Narcissa showed a slight bit of happiness and it's a feeling she wouldn't experience much. I mean who would if you lived in a dusty, old mansion with your cruel husband and snobby son. Once Ayla pulled away, the lightness on her face was slightly still there.

"And the bad news?" Ayla questioned. Narcissa and Lucius looked at each other and sat her down.

"Uh, the bad news is, a couple of days ago, your father- well he," Narcissa tried to explain but clearly couldn't get the words out.

"Your father escaped Azkaban," Draco said walking out of nowhere. Enzo and Mattheo followed just slightly behind. Ayla looked shocked yet confused.

"What? How-how is that possible?! What!?" She couldn't believe what her cousin just told her. "How?"

"That's the thing, no one knows how he did it. Guess, you better look out Ayla. Daddy's coming home." Draco started laughing until he realised he was the only one. Lucius gave him a proud look but Narcissa shook her head. Mattheo looked at Ayla's reaction. She looked scared and sad yet confused. He imagined him in her situation just if his father was alive, the world would be doomed. Enzo didn't know what to do. He just stood there awkwardly.

"Let's hope your filthy father doesn't try visiting you before he gets caught. I'm not allowing that mutt anywhere near my house, I'll send his ass straight back to the dementors." Lucius commented. Ayla ran out of the room and went to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

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