Prologue: Beginning A New Life

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(Y/n)= Your name (fake name/alias). Because the children who grew up in Wammy's House don't use their real names.

(Y/r/n)= Your real name. Isn't written in the story too often but will show up occasionally.


✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

I feel the warm heat of the fire against my skin as I stare at the building in front of my eyes, it's a building I've never seen before in my life, why is it here, why am I here?

The embers float around the falling debris of the building that looks like it had been burning for some time now as a cross on the roof crumbled and fell to the ground, the architecture has me believe it is a church, but why is it here, in the middle of nowhere?

I turn to notice a woman is standing about a meter or two away to my side. her hair the lightest colour of blonde I've ever seen... And her eyes, the amber-gold colour of honey even as they glow in the reflection of the roaring flames from the church.

Who... Is she? Have I met her before...?

But I could recall no such memory of her. When I suddenly feel something warm trickle down my cheeks from my eyes, am I... Crying?

As I lift my hand to wipe the newly-formed tears away, I feel something grasped gently in my hand, I bring it up to see it is a necklace, a red-coloured rosary. Was I... Holding this the whole time?

My emotions swell like a rough storm in the middle of the ocean, bashing against a boat trying to sink it below the surface and down to the depths. I can't bring together what all of this means.

But every time I look at the church engulfed in the flames, my eyes become blurry with tears as my heart wrenches painfully, in a way I've never felt so hurt before.

✞ ✞          ✞

I awaken with a startle as I try to calm my erratic breaths, calming myself down from the dream I had awakened from, about the... Wait.

What was that dream about again?

My memories of the dream slip away almost instantly as I lie in my bed, staring up at the ceiling above me as I try to recollect my thoughts but to no avail.

With a deep sigh, I sit myself up and toss my legs over so my feet dangle over the edge of my bed, my toes only a few centimetres from the ground below me. Before I could stand, I hear a voice from the bed across the room from me.

"You were tossing and turning just before... Was it a nightmare?" She asks as she rubbed her tired eyes, her voice slightly hoarse from waking up.

"O-oh, I'm sorry if I woke you" I apologised to her as my feet twiddle against one another guiltily. Despite the room being rather dark I can see the features on her face is not an expression of anger, but an expression of concern.

"(Y/n) what's wrong? You're... Crying" Linda points to her own cheek to emphasis her words. Surprised, I reach up to my cheek where I feel the dampness, she's right. I am crying.

"D-do you want to talk about it?" She asked me, sitting up from her own bed above mine as her worried eyes look into my (e/c) ones.

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