Chapter 15: A Feeling Of Comfort Pt 1

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Today started out like every other day since I've arrived here to America. Open up my laptop, look for information about Misa. Kiyomi Takeda, the news anchor for NHN was added to the equation recently however, Mello seems to believe she is a new suspect in this case ever since she was announced to be Kira's new spokesperson a few days after Demegawa and his executives were killed.

But right now I'm finishing on packing up my belongings because we had learned this morning that Misa along with Mogi and Aizawa is travelling back to Japan tomorrow morning and it seems like the rest of the task force is as well. As I finish with the last of my possessions, I zip and lock my suitcase and push it out and beside the doorway so it's ready to go tomorrow morning.

As I slump onto the sofa across from Mello, I turn my head to see that he is still working on his laptop, tapping away at the keyboard as his eyes are focus on the screen in front of him.

"You're done already?" The blond asks me, however his eyes remains on the screen in front of him. "Yeah, I left most of my stuff in my suitcase in the event that we had to move in a hurry" I explained to him as I turn to watch whatever show was on the television to pass the time.

Matt should have been done with his stuff by now, what's taking so long..?

After an hour of two of packing however I had worked up a sweat, and since it's getting late I tell Mello. "I'm going to take a shower" I sit myself up on the sofa as Mello turns his head towards me briefly, "sure" he replies before turning back to whatever it is he's doing. I lift myself up and turn to walk down the hallway to the end where the bathroom is located.

As I grasp the door handle of the bathroom however, a ringtone can be heard coming from  Mello's laptop, there was a slight delay before he decided to answer it. I try to ignore it but my curious nature urged me to listen in.

It's probably Hal, they seem to message Mello a lot but I don't think they've ever called him directly like this...

To my surprise however, I hear a familiar voice from the other side, one I haven't heard in over five years. "Mello, it's been a while since we've talked hasn't it?" the monotonous voice spoke.

It's Near!

"What do you want?" Mello's naturally more aggressive voice cuts in like scissors through paper.

"I have some information to share with you. But first things first..." Near trails off, a small silence from his end.

"I've learned recently that you have some new company now" He says through the computer, however Mello doesn't respond to Near's words. There was only silence on both ends. Likely we all know this was a rhetorical question rather than one Near expects an answer to.

"I didn't really think you would involve Matt and (Y/n) in all of this"

Another brief moment of silence followed Nears words. What has me curious however is how did Near find out? I doubt Mello told Hal about us, not that I think so anyway.

Near has always had a knack for figuring things out, he's L's successor after all.

"I called them because they're more dependable than some thugs I've had to earn respect from" Mello's tone was low, I could almost hear a growl in his voice. "Not sure why you of all people would care though, you don't care about anyone anyway" The blond shot back.

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