Chapter 17: Stained Glass

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

When we arrived in Japan almost a week ago now, I had never expected how different things are here compared the ways of living in America or the United Kingdom.

The maze-like train systems that operated all through Tokyo and other areas of Japan, the busy streets, the non-existent tipping and my god the rush hours. Most of the people here are very polite too.

"Thank you" I smile to the old man as he hands me my bag of purchased goods before I leave his store followed by a bow and some words. Since Mello had nothing for me to do today I noticed we were running low on some essentials so I left for a bit.

As I walked into the direction of the new apartment Mello, Matt and I shared, I turned to a large screen on the side of a building displaying some news, broadcasting more about the Kira case on NHN with Kiyomi Takeda, unfortunately I can't understand what she is saying too well as I am not fluent in Japanese, I tried to learn some before coming here... But... It's a tough language for someone fluent in only English to learn. Only learning some greetings and common phrases in the span of a week.

The apartment building now in sight, I wait at the crosswalk for the signal to change to 'walk', standing side by side with many other people looking to cross as well.

I wonder how long we will be here in Japan for, it's not a bad place of operations, that's for sure.

Perhaps for the rest of the investigation since this is where it's a known fact that this is where the original Kira comes from after all.

The signal beeped as everyone walked in a hurried pace across the street as I try my best to keep up with them.

Sometimes it has me thinking, what led Kira to killing the criminals of the world? From the worst of offenders to the petty thieves. Japan has a rather low crime rate compared to many other countries of the world, so why?

Kira has killed many criminals from other countries too, so it's not just Japan he looks to change that much is obvious.

Although... They could simply get off to the power it gives them, that they hold a god-like power above everyone and use it in a way that at least some people would find agreeable. People like Misa, who are victims to tragedy and unfair trials and the idea of someone risking their lives to wipe out criminals is nothing they want more.

My mind clears as I enter the apartment and walk into the lift, pushing the button to floor 5 as a woman walks in before the door closes, pushing a different button before the door closes.

There hasn't been any calls from Near or any messages from Hal since we've arrived here in Japan. I heard from that call Mello had with Near that he and the SPK have set up their base of operations here as well some time before we arrived. Likely they're following the same lead we have.

After some time, I arrive to my floor as I exit the lift and turn left to look for the painting beside our room rather than looking for the number.

Kiyomi Takeda has been our priority now lately, we've still been keeping tabs on Misa and Mogi, though not as much as we did in Los Angeles since Mello has come to the conclusion that Misa is no longer the 2nd Kira.

I finally stop as I stand in front of the door to our apartment, fishing through my bag I grab out the keycard given to the three of us by the receptionist, operating as keys for the door, rather than using actual keys however, they use the cards to slip into a holder where it opens the lock on the door and you can just push the door open. Pretty neat huh?

I walk inside the room as I find Mello staring at the TV at the same broadcast I saw on the screen outside near the crosswalk, though he is watching one with English subtitles so he can understand what Takeda is saying.

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