Chapter 41: Late Nights

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Several hours had passed since Mello had left after a phone call with Hal. It's dark now and my eyes strain against the screen of my computer as I follow the letters slowly, carefully as to not loose my focus and have to start from the beginning, again.

Picking up the pencil resting on the table with my notebook, I take it into my fingers as the pencil copies the letters displayed in front of me, the sounds of gentle scribbles as my eyes travel back and forward, between the bright screen and the notebook.

I've finished my work over two hours ago, despite my eyes threatening to close and my brain exhausted from running all day, I decided to do some of my own research into something a little... Different.

Reading through a graph, my eyes trail down until they set their sights on the words and numbers I'm looking for. My hand picks up the pencil once again as I turn to focus on my notebook. "Eight thousand, two hundred and sixty eight pounds..." I mutter to myself as I let the pencil go and focusing back into the screen, scrolling further down.

8,268£ is a lot of money, but I have more than enough through my work as a private investigator.

The money is nice... But I won't have so much once I- no... Tom, announces his retirement.

Suddenly, I feel a vibration come from the sofa right beside me, the screen from my phone lights up as I turn to see there is a message, from... Mello?

Picking it up, I enter my password and go to my contact list and I find Mello's name.

Have you found anything new?


I guess he thinks I'm still working, should I admit I'm doing something else completely? I doubt he would be mad about it, but... Why is he asking me if I found new information? That's certainly out of character for him. Mello knows if I found anything new to this case I would tell him about it faster than I can say 'shinigami'.

I doubt he's been hacked. So... Is this a round-about way of Mello wanting to talk to me? He's never beaten around the bush however. I tap at the keyboard on my phone, writing out a message and reading over it quickly before sending it through.

Have you found anything new?

No, why do you ask?


There's no harm in asking, but weather I can get a straight answer out of him or not, who knows. Though...

Could I be over-reacting to all of this? I'm fighting to keep myself awake it is... I just hope I'm not paranoid for nothing. My intuition is rarely wrong, however.

It didn't take long for me to get a response, thankfully.

Have you found anything new?

No, why do you ask?

Just checking in, that's all


I want to think that's all there is to it, that he's just eager for any new results, anxious with the final confrontation barely two weeks away, we've all been feeling it more and more with each day that passes, bringing us closer.

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now