Chapter 49: The Cost Of Love

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

Clicking away on my mouse, scrolling through my files and documents, jotting down notes in my notebook beside me, this is what I have been doing for the last hour instead of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Knowing Mello, he would only get annoyed that I'm wasting time on something that isn't directly involved in the investigation. It's not like I can't do it later. The plan is just a few short days away and pretty much everything is in order even after the recent discovery, or rather, theory, that Mello had concluded. He believes that although there are only two identified death notes in the picture, there is a third Kira. Or at least someone who is doing the killings for the 'real' Kira while their hands are tied.

Mello had come to that conclusion only recently, which only complicated things on our side. If that is true however, if there is a third Kira... Why hasn't Halle said anything..? Is she intentionally withholding that information? Or perhaps.... Mello is wrong, and there is no third  Kira?

No, Mello has never been wrong about these things before...

Unless, Near has caught wind of what's going on between Halle and Mello. That could be a problem.

"What are you doing..?" I heard a voice from behind me, I instinctively shut my laptop before turning around to see the prying blond standing behind me.

"H-How long have you been standing there..?" I ask him as I place the laptop beside me and close my notepad. "That's for me to know, and for you to figure out" he tells me before walking around and sitting on the other end of the sofa, his arm draped around the back as he usually does.

I figured it was only a matter of time when Mello would catch me, but does he know..? Well, I guess I'm going to have to let the cat out of the bag, it doesn't matter that much to me.

"Well... I guess there's no point in keeping it a secret" I shrug and smile. I planned on telling Mello about this later on, after the plan, but there's no harm in saying it now. I'd rather he know about this than add to his stress.

"Once we're done here... Once I return to England... I'm retiring as a private investigator" I confess, "I thought I could handle it, I'm not afraid of hard work, but... I can't live the rest of my life as 'Tom Sullivan' with almost every reporter and journalist wanting to know the man, behind the computer".

"You've worked for years to become an investigator, and now you're just going to let it all go because of some dumb reporters..?" Mello asks me, albeit rather impassively. When he says it like that, however, I can see the point he is trying to make. But he is wrong.

"It's not that... If I really loved my job, I wouldn't just give it all up like this" I clarify, "I just want to move on to something else, private investigating just isn't what I thought I wanted for most of my life". It was fun while it lasted, but... It's lost it's charm, but that's how the 'wonderful' cycle of life works.

"If that's what you want and it makes you happy... Then I won't stand in your way" Mello tells me in a gentle tone. As our eyes meet, they almost immediately avert from one another out of embarrassment, I didn't intend for a somewhat serious moment be become so... mushy.

"Anyway..." I move on from the awkward moment, "I've been thinking about going to University... Getting a degree in criminal justice..?" I tell him shyly as I hand him my notebook after flipping it open to the right page.

"I've been researching different courses and different Universities across England. It's expensive, but I've made enough money from private investigating to pay for my entire tuition" I tell him as his eyes read my notes, from left to right and down and across, until they meet mine again. "You want to get into the University in Oxford..?" He asks mess his eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"Yeah... I know the acceptance rate is low, but... I think I have a shot" I smile confidently, I don't want to show him that I am nervous, even if I come from a place like Wammy's House, I will be applying to one of best Universities, in the world. No pressure, no pressure at all.

"You're smart, I know you'll get in" Mello tells me, though I can't tell if he means it as 'an absolute fact' or just a boost of confidence, I have no idea, but I am thankful for it. "When you get in. I'll take you out for drinks".

"I like the sound of that" I smile. I never thought I would admit it to myself, but I miss home, as wonderful America and Japan have been to see... It's not where I belong. Before we can move on from the subject however, I notice something.

"Wait, does that mean you're returning to London after this..?" He seems surprised by my words. He takes his arm from behind the couch and folds it with his other arm as they rest against his chest. "Well... I have nowhere else to be, so I guess Matt and yourself will be stuck with me" He rolls his eyes jokingly before I laugh at his words.

"So... You're coming home..." As I speak these words, I don't know if they are directed at Mello or myself, but either way it doesn't matter to me. After 5 long years, Mello is finally coming home. "You're not going anywhere..?".

"I'm not going anywhere, not this time"

Before I can reply however, a sad expression overcomes his face before he turns away from me. I am about to question it, but it doesn't seem like he wants to talk about it.

Although, he's been acting really weird these past few days, what's wrong..?

✞  Mello's P.O.V 

I tried to ignore these feelings, all it has done  make everything so fucking complicated, but the longer I am with her, the more it eats away at me, piece by piece. It was ever since Thursday night... Everything changed.

I've always cared about her as a friend, but it's only been some time since that friendship turned into something deeper. I love her. I don't need to convince myself of that, I know that. I tried to keep things as professional as I could during this investigation, it's like what they say... Business and pleasure don't mix.

That's why I'm doing this, because I love her more than life itself. If (Y/n) gets incarcerated, if she gets killed because of me... I'll never find it in me to forgive myself. Too many people have died because of me, too many.

I can't loose her too.

As I look over at her calm face illuminated by the computer screen, her (e/c) eyes reflecting from the light as her lips purse together ever so slightly. Even when she is concentrating on something, she still looks so... Cute.

I can't loose the only good thing I have left in my life.

"I don't have time for this... I have work to do" I tell her as I get off the sofa, she turns towards me with a worried expression on her face that tells me to stay, but I can't. I wish I could for just a little longer, but it will only makes things harder for me, for both of us.

She'll hate me for it, but I can live with that. I already have before... That's why...

I'm removing her from the investigation.


Hello everyone! Apologies for today's chapter being a little shorter than usual, but I couldn't think of adding any other important details without getting into what I have planned for next week. Chapter 50 will be more interesting, and I'll try to make it a bit longer to make up for this week.

But as always, I hope you guys have a great weekend!

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