Chapter 11: Midnight Whispers

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

It was our first night in our new hotel room not that far from our original location but it's a significant upgrade, there are three rooms and all of them have a single sized bed, rather small but at least I no longer have to occupy the couch, it was getting a little irritating when in the middle of the night Matt would come out and turn the light on to get extra batteries or Mello would come out for a glass of water and do the same, so there definitely won't be any complaints from me.

Being our first night here I though I would be asleep in no time since the bed is 10x more comfortable than the sofa. But as the ticking of the clock in the corner of the room drove me crazy the hours went by without me realising. 11pm... 12am... 1am...

Now it's 2am and I'm still rolling from side to side every few minutes to try getting more comfortable, grabbed an extra pillow, grabbed another blanket, kicked off both blankets, even changing into nothing but a tank top and knickers but even that hasn't helped, although it would be rather embarrassing if either of the boys saw me dressed like this... But this place actually has doors to the bedrooms so I'm not worried.

However as another hour passes and I'm still lying on my bed trying to get some shut eye, I can feel my throat feeling dry, so I get up and open the door to my bedroom and walk into the kitchen and turn the light on, as I pass through the kitchen I fill a glass with water and bring it to my lips.

As I drink the cold water I feel so much better. Like, even better than when I drink it during the daytime, what's with water being so much more quenching in the late hours? Who knows...

But as I turn to make my way back to my room I felt my heart almost leap out of my chest when I see a figure sitting on the sofa, from where the light is centred in the kitchen the sitting room is still rather dark. But as I adjust my eyes to the corner of the room I feel myself calm down to see it was only Mello.

But why is he just sitting out here at 3 in the morning? We have more work to do early tomorrow, or more accurately, a few hours.

As I slowly approach him I notice that he's shirtless/vestless, my eyes are immediately drawn to the scars that stand out on the left side of his body. From where it starts on the left side of his eye it travels about halfway down his upper arm before continuing down his waist almost down to his hip.

When I first saw his scar three days ago I knew it probably extended down to his shoulder a little bit but never to the extent I am seeing before my eyes now.

"What are you doing up?" I hear Mello ask quietly as his eyes are focused on my face as I walk closer to him so we are only about a meter or two apart, "I could ask you the same thing, you know" I reply in a soft voice as not to disturb Matt or any of the other residents of the establishment since these walls are rather thin. I take a seat to his left side as I notice how red and raw the burns on his body look.

When I asked Mello that day when I first saw him he just kept quiet and moved on from it, I don't understand why he won't talk, I'm his best friend and he knows he can trust me with anything right? The last thing I would do now is judge him.

I made a promise to you 5 years ago, that I would always be by your side, that you can trust me with anything.

"Fair enough..." He replies to my reply, but as he moves to lie his back against the back of the sofa, I notice the subtle expression of discomfort on his face... Or is it... Something more?

"You're in pain... Aren't you..? That's why you're still up at this hour" I ask him, his eyes turn to look at me into my own. Those blue eyes that rival the sky even on the clearest days.

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