Chapter 23: Drowning Sorrows

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It's Saturday now, the day after I confessed my feelings to Mello after all of those years bottling them up. The feeling of butterflies in my stomach have failed to ease since. Although Mello did not say he returned my feeling... He didn't outright say he didn't like me either. That's a good thing... Right?

Yet somehow... His lack of a real answer makes me feel even worse... I couldn't sleep at all last night, tossing and turning for hours because no matter what I did, no matter what I tried to think about something else, anything else instead to occupy my mind. My memory of that moment keeps replaying my confession in my head, over and over again like a nightmare I can't seem to wake up from, no matter what I tried to do about it.

"(Y/n), what happened to your arm?" Matt asked me with a look of surprise, his dark blue eyes focused on my wrist. The afflicted area is coloured a light purplish hue indicating a clear bruising of the skin. I didn't think the bruising would come out this bad.

"It's... Nothing, I'm okay Matt-" I try to tell my concerned friend, until a voice pipes up in the middle of our conversation.

"It's my fault" Mello begins to explain yesterday's situation, "I lost my temper at her and grabbed her by the wrist". A complicated expression overtook Matt's face. Before the brunet could say a word, I spoke up.

"It's... It's not as painful as it looks", I brushed my fingertips over my skin for a moment. "I'm okay, there's no need to worry", Matt seemed like he wants to intervene, he doesn't however as he says nothing else to Mello or I before he disappeared back into his room to do some more surveillance likely. Not before reaching into the pantry and grabbing out a bag of crisps to take with him.

I turn my gaze to Mello who is on the other side of the sofa, tapping away at his computer, as he usually does.

Mello hasn't tried to sneak out this morning like I expected, he hasn't told Matt or I what he was up to those past few days either, but it seems to have stopped.

It probably has to do with what I had said yesterday... My emotions were so pend up back then I just blurted them out without any sense of rationality. Since the incident, the two of us have only shared 'small' talk amongst one another, and it was all only about the case, some observations and information sharing, mostly.

For the rest of the day, the anxiety inside me refused to settle down and my back and shoulders are aching from being so tense for hours on end. I was rather surprised however when Mello turns to face me out of the blue and says, "You look like you're about to pass out, go get some sleep".

I turn to face him, of course, those eyes are still glued to the laptop in front of him as he takes a bite from the chocolate bar in his hand.

"It's barely sundown, I'm fine-" I try to dismiss the blond's concerns, but it doesn't seem like he is having it, so the man stands to his feet and takes my laptop away from me, "Mello-" I try to reason with him, only for him to say as he is still facing away from me. "I'm not going to argue with you, go to sleep" he tells me.

I bite back a string of colourful insult as he shuts my laptop down and places it on the kitchen counter away from me. I consider his request, however, I feel I've been awake for too long at this point, I'm well past the tired stage. I won't be able to sleep even if I wanted to.

I stand up from the sofa just as Mello takes his place back to his own laptop as I wander off into my room, likely much to Mello's approval, until he saw me walking out again with a coat and handbag.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me. The irony of his question after everything that happened yesterday had almost brought a smile to my lips. Almost.

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