Chapter 47: Paying A Visit

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up from the sounds of ruffling bedsheets and the feeling of the bed moving gently, it takes me a moment to roll over to face a back that is shielding my eyes from the sunlight coming in through the window.

His hand runs through his hair slowly as he seems to be looking at something through the window, or perhaps he is just in his own world?

How long has he been sitting there like that?

"Mel?" My voice is still tired and raspy from waking up only moments earlier. There is silence from his end, but he appeared to have heard me. Swallowing down the anxiety trying to build it's way up, I slowly push myself up from the mattress, facing him. "Mel?" I ask a little louder, he jumps ever so slightly at the presence of my voice.

"Sorry... I..." His own voice trails off as his gaze falls down to the floor beneath him, "I just have a lot on my mind" he tells me without much more details, I still cannot shake off the uneasy feeling, however. Crawling forward, I rest my chest and my head against his back as my arms come to embrace him.

My gesture seems to catch him by surprise, however. "What are you doing..?" He asks me in a bit of surprise, but he makes no attempts to pry my arms away. "I just... Like being close to you..." I smile to myself, feeling the warmth radiating from his body as I listen to the gentle beating of his heart.

I never felt anything like what I had last night, the butterflies in my stomach flutter at the memories of my lover above me, his hair and his skin glowing against the midnight city lights. It was everything I could have hoped for, and better, as cheesy as it is to think that...

He takes my hand gently into his own. "I... Should get going" he tells me, turning his head around to look at me past his shoulder, I lift my head up to meet his eyes. "I wish you didn't have to" I smile warmly.

As he turned his head away once again, I caught a smile curving in his lips, like he didn't want me to see, I did, but won't tell him that. "I'd rather stay in bed, too" he admits, "but I have work to do, we're leaving for Koganai City tomorrow". To be honest, I had almost forgotten about that.

"I'll call you, tonight" he tells me while getting his clothes back on, his shirt comes last as he pulls his head through. Before I can get a word out, however, his lips capture my own in a gentle kiss that ended almost as soon as it had began. "I'll see you later, (Y/r/n)" he whispered against my lips before walking out of my line of vision and towards the door. Hearing him say my real name makes my heart flutter.

"Hey, Mell" I call out to the blond before he can exit my room however, he turns to face me as his hand grips the door handle. "Love you"

"Yeah, love you too" he muttered to me. After that he takes his leave and I hear the door to my apartment open and close.

Mello seems... Different today, I don't want to think that it has to do with last night... I don't want to jump to any misconceptions or conclusions, however.

Or maybe I'm wrong? He seemed fine up until the dream he had last night, he didn't want to talk about it either, but that isn't any different.

I push the thoughts out my head however, not wanting to cause myself any more stress than I'm already dealing with, with this case. Maybe a nice... Relaxing... Shower... Is what I need.

Pulling myself to the side, I feel my bare feet against the cold ground as I stand up, gathering up all of my clothes left scattered on the ground after the... Moment. It felt weird, walking out into the open apartment as naked as the day I was born, but I shake it off as I walk down the hallway into the bathroom and throwing my clothes into a hamper.

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