Chapter 54: Reconcile

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"He died after serving three months of his life sentence, y'know" Matt finishes his story with a gloomy expression as he relived and recounted his experience before Mello and I had met him. "That bastard took her life, and he couldn't even bear three months of his life sentence inside of a cell as punishment for it".

This is the first time I had ever heard of this, Matt had never told me about any of this before. My throat felt tight as he shared his story with me, his pain with me. I couldn't even imagine... Watching my own father kill my mother, powerless to stop it, watching as she bled to death in my arms... I couldn't.

"Matt..." My voice was barely above a whisper as it escapes my lips, the city's lights flood in through the room at it illuminates the brunet's face and his glassy eyes. I open my mouth to say something, but I am at a loss for words, I don't even know what to say. I approach him, slowly, as my hand gently takes ahold of his tense one, "I... I couldn't even imagine" I express to him my sympathy, But I know I could never empathise. I've never seen someone die in real life before, especially someone so close to me. Matt really loved his mother while I can't stand mine. Our experiences will never be the same, no matter how much I think I understand, how much I want to empathise. It's not the same.

"It's all in the past now..." Matt speaks softly as he gently takes his hands away from mine. "I know this had to be hard for you, but... Thank you, for telling me" I thank him, which seems to catch the brunet by surprise, his eyes widen ever so slightly for barely a moment before he speaks again. "I appreciate that, but I didn't tell you all of this just get it off my chest" he explains to me, now it's my turn to be confused until Matt continues his explanation. "I told you all of this so that you could understand better" he explains to me.

'Understand?' I think to myself.

"Some people are so blind to love, they will ignore the abuse of the one they're in love with" Matt explains to me, "I don't want to be the one to say it (Y/n), but I'm worried that's what you're doing. You see Mello as the boy you grew up with, not the man he is now".

I open my mouth to dismiss his claims, to tell Matt he is wrong, but... I can't. I don't like it, but he's not entirely wrong and it hurts to admit that. The silence in the room almost becomes deafening as Matt and I stare at one another without a word.

"You can't change him, people don't work like that" Matt tells me.

"Believe me, I know that, but that's not what I'm trying to do" I reply to him. "Mello isn't as different as you think, y'know" I tell Matt as I look back at him, standing in the same place as before. "He was smart, talented, competitive... But he was also hot-headed and hard to get along with" I tell him as I reminisce my own events of the past, "the only thing that changed was his freedom to choose what he wanted in life. Even if Mello never met the Mafia in Italy, his methods wouldn't have changed".

Matt doesn't respond right away, taking in a deep breath as our eyes reconnect. "I understand where you're coming from, (Y/n), I do. Mello is my best friend, but the last thing I will let him do is hurt you. You're my friend too, and I care about you" Matt expresses to me.

His words fill my heart with a mix of emotions. My eyes feel watery as I struggle to hold back my tears, 'don't cry... don't cry you idiot' I scold myself in my mind. Without any exchange of words, I throw my arms around Matt as I pull myself into a hug as my head is pressed against his chest. He seemed startled at first, but after a few moments of processing what is going on, I feel his arms bring me into his comforting embrace.

"(Y/n)" Matt calls my name softly. "Don't let Mello do this to you again" he tells me, but as the words sink into my memories, the more it sounds like he is pleading with me, begging me.

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