Chapter 61: End Of The Line [Pt 5]

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[Shibuya City, Japan]

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I've only been here for a few minutes, but I can already feel myself leaning on the edge of the brink of insanity, my eyes follow across the white, plain and undecorated walls that surround me with the exception of the locked door across from me and the mirror to my left. A two-way mirror.

They're watching me from the other side, I know they are. They have to be.

My eyes travel back from the mirror to the table in front of me, from the uncomfortable plastic fold-out chair I am seated on while the other one across from me remains empty. The only sounds that echo through the room are the sounds of the handcuffs clasped around my wrists scraping against the metallic table as the chain follows it's movements.

Since I've been dragged in here, the policemen left through the door and locked it behind them, leaving me here alone to observe my surroundings for what feels like an hour, I'm not even sure anymore, there is no way of knowing the time while I am being held captive here.


I turn my head into the direction of the sound, towards the door on the opposite side of the room. Two police officers walk through the door, one of them stands beside it while the other walks further inside of the room until he is on the other side of the table standing beside the chair, the man in front of me must be an interrogator while the other is a guard in case things get ugly. That is all a guess however. Once the door shuts and locks behind them, the man closer to me sits down on the fold-out chair in front of me. In his hand he holds a pale, yellow folder along with a notebook and a black ball-point pen, placing them on the table in front of him across from me.

"I apologise for the wait, I was on patrol and I'm the only officer here at this station that speaks fluent English." the man explains to me. He was tall, taller than your average man, his hair was black and slicked back neatly. "Why don't we begin with an introduction? My name is Shō Ishiya, I am a Senior Officer here... And you are?" He introduces himself before his dark eyes stare into mine. His sharp gaze sends an uneasy shiver down my spine, it's like he is examining every little movement I make, every time my finger taps against the table, every time I feel the urge to scratch at my neck in discomfort, anything I do is being picked apart and examined thoroughly.

I keep my lips sealed together however, I can't afford to say anything to this man, I can't allow him to get inside of my head and play me like a fiddle.

This man, Ishiya, does not seem bothered by my uncooperative silence however, instead, he opens up the yellow envelope and pulls out an A-4 sized photograph of what looks like a screenshot surveillance footage from outside of the NHN building moments before Takada was taken, I recognise the faux white fur coat she is wearing in the photo to be the same one from earlier today.

"Ten forty-five this morning, a red car drives by the N.H.N broadcasting station in Shibuya where he fires a smoke grenade at Kiyomi Takada. Amidst the chaos, a man on a morotcycle offers to relocate Takada to a safer location in the company of her bodyguards when he suddenly detours down a narrow alleyway in an attempt to escape from her guards... These two men are suspected to be connected to one another in the premeditated and successful kidnapping of Kiyomi Takada... Can you confirm these details?" He asks me as he finally finishes his report on the events earlier today.

Pulling out his notebook, along with a pen, his eyes fall down onto the paper in front of him. "Why don't you start by telling me your connection to them?" He asks me. "Watching these events unfold, I can tell the three of you aren't just some collaborating criminals who were paid to do someone else's request. No, you all have an agenda." He analyses. "Maybe the three of you go back a long way? That's why you're working so hard to protect their identities?" Ishiya asks me. "Or perhaps... You feel resentment for the death of your friend who was shot-down by Takada's bodyguards in self defense"

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