Chapter 1: Troublemakers

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V

Things still aren't running so smoothly with Mello and I, even though it's been a little over three months since I came here to Wammy's House. He doesn't go out of his way to bother me anymore, but his rude remarks and the head-flicks drive me nuts but I don't want to complain to Roger. I want to just handle it on my own but that isn't going so well for me.

I've tried so many times to reach out to Mello, only to be met with a scowl as he walks away and ignores me, the other kids here tell me Mello is always hard on the newer kids that arrive here but it's been three months now, so why is he still giving me a hard time?

"Why does he hate me?" I ask Matt one day as we are sitting outside watching some of the other kids playing soccer in the courtyard of the orphanage. "Nah, I don't think he hates you, the only person he hates is Near" Matt tells me in what I think is his attempt to reassure me but I'm not so sure. It was obvious the boy isn't really a people-person but he's been good to me so I won't take it for granted.

"Well... How did you and Mello become friends?" I asked him, his eyes don't leave the gaming system in his hands as his fingers mash away at the buttons on the left-hand side.

"Huh? I didn't have to do anything, we share the same room so we just kinda got along from the beginning, Mello was here before me" Matt explains before the console died and he shoves it into his pocket, "forgot to charge the stupid thing..." I heard him mutter under his breath.

I rest my back against the bricks of the orphanage walls as I stare outside of the gate where I watched the occasional car or motorcycle drive by and a few pigeons land on the footpath. Today is a rather peaceful day today with the sun out. Well, until some noise withdrew me from my daze.

"Let go of me!"

"Quit it, you jerk!"

I turn my attention over to the courtyard where I saw Mello and another kid getting into a scuff likely over the soccer game they were playing, something daft. A girl running past me towards the door and inside the building to likely get Roger or another caregiver to stop the fight between the two boys. The two pulled at each other's shirts and their hair as the other players just watch on in surprise... And of course there are a few others encouraging it.

"Mello! Jacob! That's enough!" One of the caregivers come out of the building to stop the two boys as she pulls them apart by the backs of their shirt collars. "To Rogers office, now!" The caregiver shrieks at Mello as she points off towards the building angrily as she takes care of the other boy.

"He started it!" Mello tried to protest, but the caregiver wasn't having it as she repeated her words more forcefully as she tried to console the other boy as the tears fell from his eyes, with a huff the blonde stomped up the flight of stairs and into the orphanage with a slam causing me to flinch at the force.

"What... Happened there?" I asked Matt, but he doesn't give me an answer and just shrugs. "I'm going to find my charger" he tells me before he gets up and walks over to the door and closing it behind him.

An Hour Later

After lunch the other kids and I had some time to ourselves before we had another exam at the end of the day. At this rate my brains are going to explode if Roger doesn't give me a break!

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