Epilogue: Good Ending

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I hold my breath as the sound echoes through the dark, empty apartment. My thoughts run wild through my head as I push my hand against my knees, slowly rising from the cold, hard floor as I turn to face the door.

The light from the hallway shines through the small cracks of the door from all four counters. However, there are two spaces from the bottom that cast a shadow into the room, someone is standing there.

What if it's... No, that's impossible...

I open my mouth to ask who is standing there, but I can't seem to get my words out from my irritated throat, instead, I reach forward and take the cold, metallic door handle into my hand, gripping it nervously before quickly turning it and swinging the door back towards myself.

The figure who must have been slumped against the door just now stumbled into the almost pitch-black apartment before dragging themself into the apartment and sliding down the wall beside the door as it swings closed once again.

I stare anxiously as my hand traces the wall above the mysterious intruder as I find the light switch, a brief moment of hesitation fills me as I flick the switch and the luminosity of the lightbulb engulfs the darkness around it as I am faced with the strange figure. He is beaten and bloody, but there is no mistake who this man is.

It's... I-It's...

I suck in a breath of air as my lip quivers, my eyes in disbelief as I stare down at the man who I thought was gone from my life, who I thought would only be a distant memory in the coming years as I grew older and lonelier. My legs cave in as my knees fall to the ground as I am face to face with him. I cannot bring myself to utter a single word in my current state of shock. My hands tremble lightly as my fingers sweep a few strands of blond hair from his face, his blue eyes that once rivalled the sky is clouded with despair, exhaustion and everything in between, his face is so pale from loosing so much blood...

But he's here.

He's alive.

All I wanted was to hold him close and swear to never let go again, to cry in happiness and relief that Mello is alive despite everything that has gone wrong tonight.

But I do not, I take my hand away from his face, a gentle smile curves onto my lips as I see his head lift up ever so slightly to look at me, but he does not have the energy to speak. The blood runs down his face, a few drops already stained onto his vest from earlier I can only presume. I wipe the tears from my eyes the best I can with a slight chuckle.

"C'mon, I'll patch you up..." I tell Mello as I move beside him and hoist his arm over my shoulder, using what energy he has left get up and stay on his feet as we slowly walk into the direction of the bathroom which is no easy feat as it is on the other side of the apartment, I swing the door open and let Mello sit on the cold, hard tiles with his back against the bathtub. I turn my attention away from him for a moment as I grab the first aid kit from the cupboard underneath the sink.

"I... Don't even know where to start" I say as I begin applying a healthy amount of rubbing alcohol onto the gashes and cuts ranging in size and depth littered across his skin. The larger shards of glass will need to be removed and some of his cuts will need stitches, especially the one on the left side of his forehead, but disinfecting the wounds and removing the dirt and gravel from his abrasions will have to do for now.

"I'd say this is a start" Mello replies as his eyes follow the movement of my hands.

"That's... Not what I meant" I clarify as I take a pair of tweezers I had sterilised earlier and begin gently removing the small fragments of gravel, Mello expression changed into that of confusion from my words. "What I meant was... I don't know what to say" I elaborate, "ever since I saw that church in flames, I really believed that you were gone forever, Mell..." My fingers begin to tremble slightly at the still very recent memories , "I was so... so scared..." My words are barely above a whisper as I take by hands away, not wanting to risk any further injury due to my unsteady fingers. I have to calm down, and stay focused...

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now