Chapter 29: A Walk In Shinagawa

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

It wasn't easy, it's taken a long time for us to finally find the place and unpack our belongings, but we're here. In our new apartment in the Shinagawa prefecture of Tokyo. Getting an apartment that didn't cost us an arm and a leg with New Year's Eve being just around the corner was quite the feat. When I did finally find a vacant one however, I was told they only had four one bedroom apartments, so the three of us had to separate for the time being. I'm on the seventh floor, Matt is in the sixth floor and Mello is on the third floor. Other than us not being under the same ceiling anymore, everything is more of the same, it's a lot quieter without the guys however, almost too quiet.

Turning from the sofa I'm seated on, I stare out towards the sunset over the high rise buildings, the sky highlighted in a pale mix of orange and pink, the shadows casting over the city as the lights in the other buildings flick on as the day comes to a close and the night begins after a long, hard day.

As my mind is wandering off, I receive a message on my computer, from Mello. Nothing exciting, just business as usual. After I'm finished sending him the attachment letter, I log off my laptop and close the lid. Finally being done with work for one day, I stand to my feet and reach up as high as I can, stretching my back and arms as I breath out a relaxed sigh. As I am walking into the direction of my bedroom, I remember that Matt had asked me to meet him outside of the apartment after I finished up for the day. He didn't give me any hints what it was he wanted to talk about, however, it seemed important.

✞          ✞ ✞

Standing in the lobby of the seventh floor, I cross my arms as I lean against the wall across from the vending machine containing crisps and other Japanese sweets. Since I've been here on my own, I've earned some odd glances from other residents of the apartment and a question from one of the workers here as I await for my friend, who I am increasingly running out of patience for the longer he makes me wait out here.

After a few more minutes of me waiting, I finally catch sight of the brunet I've been looking for. Softly, I punch him in the shoulder when he stops in front of me. "Took you long enough, you know" I muttered annoyingly as he hands over a slip of paper with a code on it to me, the one I had asked for earlier before leaving the apartment to meet with him here. "Yeah, yeah..." Matt says back to me. As I say a small goodbye and turn to head back for my room however, I am stopped by a gloved hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see it belongs to Matt. Before I can ask him what's up however, he says to me "when you're finished working, meet me outside of the apartment". His words catch me by surprise. It isn't until Matt tries to walk away when I stop him to ask him "Is... Something wrong?"

Shoving his hands into his pocket, he turns to give me a side glance, "I just wanna talk, no need to be nervous" he smirks at me and just like that, he walks off towards the lifts and gets inside before I can say anything else to him. Leaving me to wonder what this is all about.

✞          ✞ ✞

This time, Matt is the one waiting for me, it appears. As I open the glass door to the reception lobby, I'm faced with the brunet wearing his fluffy beige coat, cigarette in hand as his eyes turn to mine. "Took you long enough" he taunts me as I walk closer so the both of us are standing side by side. I roll my eyes at his attempt at mocking me.

"I'll just cut to the chase, yeah?" He asks rhetorically before dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and putting it out by crushing it under his boot. He motions for me to follow him with a gesture of his finger. I comply as the two of us are now walking down the street together. As we walk, I begin to regret not bringing my coat with me, I figured we wouldn't be long so I didn't worry about it, the wind has picked up since earlier today and now that the sun has set, my fingertips feel like they are freezing off.

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