Chapter 28: Origin

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Warning: Mentions of physical and verbal abuse.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I still remember what the house looks like back then, the white and grey kitchen and bathroom tiles were dirty, likely haven't been cleaned since they had moved in. Beige walls surrounded the living room, hallways and two bedrooms empty from family portraits, or any kind of portraits. The rooms however were small, hardly big enough to fit a king-sized bed.

I didn't have to worry about my room being overcrowded, all I had was a single-sized bed pushed up against the corner of the wall and a drawer beside it. I could count on my hand how many toys I owned, I could also count how many pairs of clothing I owned too, most of them were too small for me, it would have been obvious to anyone that we lived in poverty.

My parents... My papa, he didn't have a job, couldn't stay hired for more than a week and it probably had to do with him arriving either drink or high. Mama was a stay-at-home kind of woman, rarely left the house. Never had any friends she spoke of, she would only drink and keep to herself, conversations with her were unbearable. This caused fight between them.

Fights, all the time, almost every day. I wish I had a pair of headphones so I didn't have to listen to the words that came out of each others mouths almost every day. I was able to avoid them most of the time. But I couldn't avoid them all together.

I wanted nothing more than to live with another relative, with someone else, anyone else, anyone that wasn't high or drunk daily. But mama was an only child and her parents died before I was born. Dad however, he had his parents and a younger brother, but I think they cut contact with him after he refused to give up the drugs and alcohol before I was born, and so they cut off his useless ass. Never heard from them or seen them, so I doubt they knew I even existed.

My parents were good at hiding their terrible treatment however, telling me it's normal to hit a kid with a belt or a hard slap across the face when they're being disrespectful or something they're supposed to do. I never had any other real influence in my life so I just... Believed it. I was too young to go to school, couldn't afford daycare or kindergarten, I barely left the house. I had no one to teach me what they were doing wasn't right. If I'd feel like they've gone too far with their 'punishments', they'll go out and buy me something I mentioned I liked in the past to make up for it, tricking me into forgiving what they had done to me, so I can't bring it back up, because they 'made up for it' or 'I liked the gift, so I can't still be mad'.

I had nowhere to go, I was still only young but sometimes I wondered if I was ever going to escape these people, would anyone ever notice my lying, my silent crying for help? Would anyone save me..?

Despite all of it however. I still loved my parents, I mean... They had to love me to some extent, from the deepest, darkest part of their hearts... Right? I'm their daughter, their flesh and blood, there must be something they feel for me. Why would they keep a roof over my head, feed me, clothe me, if they didn't love me...?

But that day... I'd never seen her so angry...

Mama had been drinking all night after papa stormed out to do whatever it is he does when he leaves in an angry fit. I try to avoid her when she's in a drunken rage. But.... I wasn't ready for when she asked me to make her some tea to help with her hangover. I'd usually avoid her when she's like that but I was caught in a tight spot. Saying no would only make her even angrier.

I'd never made tea prior to that moment, mama never taught me. However I watched a few cooking shows and the such on television through the day, so I went off of what I had seen there. As I carried the mug of tea over however, I must have slipped on the kitchen tiles, or maybe there was something on the floor I didn't see, because.... Well, it was all a blur after that moment.

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