Chapter 35: A Message

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✞  Mello's P.O.V 

Keeping my eyes open is increasingly becoming more difficult as the hours pass by, looking up at the clock on the kitchen wall, it reads 12:21am. I hold my phone up to my opposite ear with my opposite hand to relax my wrist that has been in the same position for at least two hours. I wish Matt would hurry this damn purchase up so I can end this phone call already.

"I've sent through the order for the last few parts now, things are up to speed on my end" He informs me as I can hear the sound effects and tapping sounds on the other end of the receiver. I swear to god. "You really can't put your game down for more than five minutes, can you?" I ask with a hint of impatience and irritation in my voice, but I don't get a response from him, of course. I never could understand why Matt finds those games so entertaining.

"I want you to call (Y/n) tomorrow with a run-down on how everything works" I tell Matt as I hear the buttons on his gaming system cease for a moment before he does something else, followed by the sound of button-mashing returning. "Yeah, gotcha". With a heavy sigh we say our farewells before I hang up my phone, dropping it down onto the soft cushion beside me.

It's getting late, the city's ambience has grown quieter as the loud chatter from the streets below is what keeps the city from becoming silent, with the exception of a few cars. It's quiet for 12am on a Friday. Before I decide to call it a night, however, I send an email to Hal with some file attachments before turning off the computer and closing the screen. She'll likely be asleep now. I bring my hand up to my face as I rub my eyes. I've barely slept 15 hours this entire week.

As I'm going around turning off all the lights and hooking up my phone and computer to their charging points, I walk into my room before closing the door behind me. I remove my rosary from around my neck before gently placing into the bedside table and getting under the cold covers. Usually I would sleep shirtless but it's been getting colder everyday here in Tokyo so I choose not to.

As I'm laying here, my back facing the wall, I remember the time (Y/n) was here beside me, despite the lack of space between us, she was still comfortable. Sometimes the bed feels empty without her.

God, how did things get like this..? I used to lead a damn mafia, someone who cared about no one, who would see his goal to the end no matter the cost, If someone had to die for me to get ahold of the notebook, then so be it. But now... It's just Matt and (Y/n) with me living in the regret of my past mistakes...

Having to rely on someone who isn't myself anymore however... It's a... Change, but that doesn't make me regret my past. What I've had to do. I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't. It's pointless to regret what I can't change anymore.

I don't want to think about this anymore, I've barely made any progress all week. (Y/n) is already onto me about my lack of sleep, I don't need her worrying about me right now. Throwing any thoughts out of my head, my breathing begins to slow down as my conscious slowly slips away.

✞ ✞          ✞

My subconscious returns as I feel my body being pushed forward by an unexplainable force, it always begins like this. It is dark all around me with no light in sight, but I can feel my surroundings, I touch the side of the doors until I feel the handle to the vehicle I always find myself in, pulling the handle and getting out of the seat, I'm standing on the hard cemented floor below me.

The musty smell of earth and mould gives me a headache as I walk forward, listening to my surroundings carefully. There are no footsteps this time, there should be a narrow hallway around here somewhere... Taking a deep breath, I follow the direction of the hallway, slowly as to not trip over anything invisible to me. Until suddenly, a light envelopes the building as I'm standing inside of an empty, abandoned church. There are no sounds of passing cars, no chattering, not even any birds. Only the sounds of my boots on the floor echoes through the halls.

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