Chapter 52: My Friend, Matt [Pt 2]

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✞  Matt's P.O.V 

I can't remember how long I spent in that police station. Every so often a different officer would come in and talk to me, asking me questions about the fight, about my father, about... My mother. It was hard to hold back my tears with every question they asked me. Why can't they just leave me alone? I don't know anything else I can tell them I've already told them, or what they already know.

I knew they just wanted more information to help them find my father, but I have nothing else that would be useful to tell them.

"Do you have any family that can take you?" They asked me, to which I responded with a shake of my head. "Any friends from kindergarten... Any neighbours?" I shake my head again.

My parents never talked about any of their own parents, sibling, uncles or aunts, whether they were the only child in both of their families and their parents died before I was born, I don't know. I guess... I'll never know.

The police told me that I couldn't stay there, they've got other important matters to deal with, can't have a kid running around. However, they didn't want to send me off to an orphanage or wherever just yet. "Not until the case is closed, or we can't come up with any clues within a few weeks" the superintendent told me.

They didn't want to keep me here at the station day-to-night, but they still needed me close-by for the investigation. And so, they organised for me to stay with one of the officers assigned to my mother's case.

"Hello again, Mail" She greeted me, it took me a moment to recognise her. She was the officer who rode in the police car with me. The officer who consoled me. "My name is Josephine Mayfield, but you can just call me Jo" she smiled as we shook one another's hand.

She seemed young, mid 20s or so, perhaps she was new to the police force. She had short blonde hair in a pixie cut and hazel eyes. she had a warm smile that made me feel like I could trust her, she was really nice to me.

"You'll be staying with me in my house for a while" she told me. The other officers failed in finding any of my extended family. Even if they did, I had my doubts they would even know that I existed, they probably wouldn't want me, anyway.

It turned into a pretty nice little arrangement, though. Jo lived in a much nicer house than the one I used to live in. It was decorated with scenic paintings of landscapes and family portraits, but nobody ever came to the house while I was there, except that pizza delivery guy, so I assumed she lived alone.

During the day, Jo would take me back to the police station with her where I was supervised by different officers during the day in the break room, they had a television on a desk with an old 64 console. I had no idea why it was there in the first place, but I didn't complain, it helped me forget the painful memories I was going through back then, not completely, but it helped. Even when my eyes were fixated on the screen, my mind focused on mashing buttons and challenging the other officers on their breaks to many racing and fighting games, I could still feel it. The pain. It wasn't like a paper cut or a skinned knee, this pain wouldn't go away no matter what I did.

Most of the officers were nice to me, but I didn't like the ones who kept bringing me to a boring, old room with nothing but a table, chairs and a large mirror that almost covered one side of the room.

Question after question. Every day.

What where they fighting about?
Was this a common occurrence in your home?
What did he take with him?
What kind of car did your dad drive?

I tried not to think about it, but the questions always led my mind back to my mother lying on the floor in her own blood. The questions would only stop when they could see the tears in my eyes.

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