Chapter 46: Unexpected Revelation

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Mello's P.O.V

It was.... Surreal, never in my life have I felt like this before. My mind feels clear from all the stress and anger, I've never felt so attached to someone before.

I hold (Y/n) close to me, my arms embracing her as I can feel her chest rising and falling slowly against my hands. Her body shuffles for a moment before remaining still once again, is she uncomfortable? I whisper her name under my breath but she doesn't reply. Has (Y/n) fallen asleep already..?

Her breathing is quiet and shallow, her (h/l) hair is sprawled out against her pillow, some even ended up on my side, but I don't care all that much.

I tried my best to conceal it, I don't think she caught on, but... During sex, I was terrified. Terrified that I wasn't doing it right, or if I was going too slow or too fast, or... If I hurt her, god for it if I'd hurt her... I've already done that in the past... But never physically... Well, except those few times before we became friends.

I think I did okay... She seems happy, It would be to humiliating to ask so I simply won't.

Tossing everything out of my mind, I close my eyes in an attempt to fall asleep myself, but my mind remains wide awake. Lying here for what feels like an eternity, I finally manage to fall asleep without even realising it.

✞ ✞          ✞

The darkness surrounds me once again as I follow the walls with my hands, I follow... A bright light becomes visible as I pick up my pace to catch up to it before it can disappear from me, letting go of the walls, I chase it until I'm standing in a place I am all too familiar with. A place that's been haunting me for days.

I'm here again.

The corridor is flooded with the crimson colour of the setting sun through the stained glass that decorated the sides of the church. Other than the sound of my boots against the hardwood floor, there are no cars, no people, no birds, it's almost like this place exists in it's own pocket of time and space.

Almost instinctively, I disregard the smell of dust and mould as I walk forward, sitting down in front of the alter facing the pews. My eyes fall to the ground as I take the time to ponder my thoughts. And not a moment too soon, I hear the sound of someone walking towards me, but I dare not look up as the sound approaches before a familiar pair of bare feet come into my vision. A woman wrapped with a white, silk blanket. With short, black hair and bright red lipstick, she couldn't be anyone else.

Kiyomi Takada.

Our eyes meet one another before an exchange of words are made, a smirk present on her lips as she is the first one to talk.

"How many times will you come back here?" She asks me as she slowly walks closer to me. Her taunts never change, perhaps the words do but the meaning is always the same. That I've lost and that Kira is the God of the new world order.

I don't believe that nonsense, not even for a moment.

Takada has a point, however. How many times will I come back here? When will it go away? Every time I find myself back in this corridor, I can't help but wonder when these dreams will finally disappear.

"You can feel it deep down, can't you?" She asks me, I ignore her question however. This doesn't deter the woman, to my disappointment.

"You come back here expecting things to turn out differently" her tone is low, emotionless, one without guilt or remorse. A voice I would expect the second Kira to have. "In the end, it's all the same. I won't bore you with my rhetoric this time" she utters, approaching me close enough so her fingers can tilt up my chin to meet her gaze, "you will die, and everything you've spent years building up..." she takes her hand away as I become aware of the smoke filling the room, my skin can feel the warmth coming from the outside in.

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