Chapter 5: I Won't Say Goodbye

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I smile as I finally finish wrapping up the gifts I bought for Mello, Matt, Near and Linda before tucking them into my drawer, ready for them to be given out on Christmas Morning in a few weeks time.

Earlier this morning I was given permission from Roger to head to Winchester's shopping centre accompanied by a caregiver to buy gifts. For Linda I bought her a new paintbrush, for Near I bought him a 3000 piece puzzle, one of those tamagotchi things for Matt and for Mello... It was a tough decision but I decided on a small keychain with a chocolate bar on it with a bite mark taken out of the top.

I just hope everyone really likes their gifts since they're all special to me. Although I've spent 7 christmases with them now this is the first time I've gone out with my allowance and bought them gifts, saving up my allowance all year so I can afford something for each of them.

But something feels weird about today, and I haven't been able to shake that feeling off since this morning. I noticed earlier that morning that Roger seems more gloomy than usual, I decided not to ask as I doubt he would tell me. But is something going on?

I leave my room and I decide to go and see Mello and Matt, but to my surprise I see Matt turn the corner as the both of us made eye contact. "Hey, Mells isn't with you?" I ask him, followed by a shrug.

"Roger called for Mello and Near into his office, no idea why but it must be pretty important for them both to be in there at the same time". Matt explains as he is mashing buttons on his gaming system.

"Yeah, I'm going the library if you want to come with me" I tell the brunette to which he follows behind me as we make our way towards the library, sitting down at the tables and chairs after I find a book that piqued my interest enough to read it.

I hope Mello didn't get into trouble again, I swear, he'll never change. I smile at the thought of him as I focus back down on the book as my thoughts drift away.

✞  A Few Minutes Later 

I jumped slightly at the sound of the library door opening to see Near walking in with a puzzle box in his hand which he proceeds to sit on the ground and open the box, letting all the pieces fall to the ground in hundreds of small pieces. Then it occurred to me-

"Hey, was Mello with you, what happened?" I asked him, "did you two have a fight again?" I add with a small chuckle. But my smile fads when Near doesn't respond, his mind focused completely on the puzzle. He isn't... like his usual self. He's quiet but not THIS quiet.

"Near, what's wrong?" I asked again, but my words were only met with silence from the boy. Deciding I won't get my answer from him I get up and leave the library, closing the door quietly behind me before I continues down the hallway in the direction of Roger's office hoping to get some answers there.

'If Near won't even tell me, something pretty bad must have happened, what did Roger call them in for...?" I ask myself as I take long strides down the hallway.

If they were both called there at the same time then does it.... Have something to do with L?

They're his only "real" successors after all, If something happened to him then Mello and Near would be the first to know.

But the man only contacted us at the orphanage only once, and nobody here had ever met him in person before, not even Mello or Near. So what's going on..?

I stop in my tracks as I turn down another hallway to see Roger and Mello at the far end close by to the front entrance of the orphanage. Although I am too far away to hear what the two are saying it is obvious that there is an argument ensuing. Nothing new there.

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