Chapter 31: The Start Of A New Year

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It's now almost 2:00am and Matt decided to head back to his room, I give him a hug before he sees his way out as I return to Mello's side on the sofa, leaning my head against his shoulder as we continue to watch some late night shows on the television. It takes me a moment to notice Mello's hand coming to rest atop of my head, I do not say anything. The small and subtle gesture giving me a fluttery feeling. Slowly, his fingers wind their way through my hair, stroking through my locks gently.

"You look tired, you should go back to your room" Mello tells me in a quiet voice as his eyes are focused on the television screen, seeing the light reflecting off of his face as I turn to look at him. "What, you want me to go?" I tease with a fake-hurt expression, keeping myself from laughing.

"You know what's not what I mean" he tells me as he leans a little closer "you're yawning every five minutes and it's making me tired, just go and get some sleep". His hand stops, his fingers halt their soothing movements through my hair. "We have work to do tomorrow, remember that".

Thinking about it however, the elevator to my room is on the other end of the hotel, and walking there after the amount of beer, whiskey and saké I've had tonight wouldn't be a smart decision, so I think of an alternative. "Could I... Sleep here for the night?" The silence that followed between us makes me feel embarrassed for bringing up such a forward question. "Yeah... I guess that's fine" Mello replies before I can think any more about it. So I decided to just leave the answer as that.

Our night doesn't go on for much longer than that however, we talk for about another hour before something resurfaced into my mind. As we're talking about something Matt used to go at Wammy's House, it brings back the memories of yesterday, the conversation I had with him in that park in Shinagawa.

"So... Are the two of you together now?"

I see it that way, at least I think I do. But... Does Mello think the same way, are we on the same page with this? We've told one another we have feelings for the other, but... Other than that... There's been nothing. We haven't been that intimate with one another, we've had some close contact, but nothing like cuddling, or a first kiss, our our first-

"Hey" Mello pulls me from my thoughts, my face glowing a faint red at what was running through my mind just a moment earlier. However, if I want to ask... Now is a good time, right..?

"You thinking about something?" He asks me, his hand begins to move through my hair again, softly and gently. "I'm always thinking about something" I joke. The feeling makes me want to close my eyes and fall asleep here on his shoulder... Focus (Y/n), focus.

"Seriously though, yeah... I was wondering..." My nervousness begins to creep in, a deep pit of anxiety bubbling up, but I push it down. "It's about what we are... Are we... Together, Mell?" There was pause before he turns to face me, though his expression does not change. "I-... I know it sounds weird, I just want us to be on middle ground..." I make my words a little more clear.

There is a short silence between us, but not quite an uncomfortable one. I'm not sure how to explain it, however. "You've got a point... I suppose we haven't been up front about it." Mello replies, his hand slows down before coming to a halt.

"What's brought this all up, anyway?" He asks me. Although, I figured it didn't matter all that much so I brush it off. "Just... Came to mind, that's all" I wouldn't put it past Mello to know it was a lie however. But he doesn't press on it.

"Well...." He gives a small smirk, "if that's what you and I want..." As he drags it on, I feel a smile curve into my lips as I pull him into a side hug. "This means I can call you my boyfriend?" I chuckle.

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