Chapter 4: Autumn's Promise

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Are you sure that's the right answer Mells? It just seems...-" I trail off as he's writing down his answer on our paper that was due this Friday.

"Yes I'm sure! There's no other way of looking at it, can you come up with a better answer?" He challenged, but I keep my mouth shut as I did not have a better answer, but oh well. I just hope we do well on this group project...

"Near made it look really easy, he and Linda finished their project yesterday..." I scratched the back of my neck as I packed up our pencils and other stationary.

I feel the daggers in my back as I turn to see Mello metaphorically drilling holes into me, making me shiver slightly at his gaze, "sorry, I won't bring him up..." I apologise before we get up and walk with the paper so we can hand it into Roger and we can get free time early today. The final major project of the year.

It's nearing the end of November and this marks my 6th year being here at Wammy's Orphanage, Mello's 14th birthday is a little less than 2 months away while Matt had already celebrated his 13th birthday earlier this year and Near's 11th birthday was only recently.

It's so crazy to me how 6 years have passed already since I came here at the age of 8 when I felt alone and miserable, putting on a fake smile but on the inside I was hurting. But now I feel like there is no weight on my shoulder and that nothing could knock me down from the pedestal I stand on. Life is wonderful.

Although here at Wammy's Orohanage it's much harder than any ordinary primary school here in England that's for sure, but I've come to know so many different people with different goals like Linda who is an amazing artist and dreams of becoming a professional someday. Then there's Mello and Near who are competing to becoming the successor to L, the greatest detective known to the world.

Although Near is closer to that position than Mello is, he may be a little haphazard or even reckless, but he has the determination to become an amazing detective, I believe in him.

Even if nobody else does... Always

I come back to reality when Mello taps me on the shoulder suddenly, "you looked a bit dazed there, something on your mind?" He asked me, but I simply shook it off as we entered Roger's office and handed in the project we were assigned about two weeks ago.

"Excellent work you two, have the rest of the day off and take a break" he tells the both of us, I thank him and we left the room, walking down the corridor side by side.

"Hmm... I think Matt is still working on his project, we should go outside, my nose is feeling stuffy from being cramped inside this damn building all day" I suggest as we stop by a window and Mello look out of it into into the courtyard.

"Why? There's nobody else outside and all there are is leaves everywhere" he points out to me. But I disagree with him, albeit it doesn't look like much from the eye, but there are endless things that can be done in the courtyard when you have an imagination.

"Don't be such a stick in the mud Mells, let's go out and stretch out legs, we can go down to 'you-know-where' by the south-end fence in the courtyard" I suggest.

"We'll get in trouble if Roger catches us again, (Y/n)" Mello reminds me however I smile deviously as I lean in and tell him in a hushed voice but louder than a whisper, "what Roger doesn't know won't hurt... Besides, when have you cared about that old geezer's consequences huh?" I tease him. Mello raises an eyebrow at my suggestion but he's no angel, he finally agrees and the two of us go outside into the courtyard where a strong gust of breeze hits me as the both of us walk down the stairs, making a shiver run up my spine.

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