Chapter 56: The Last Night [Pt 2]

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Warning: Contains sexual intercourse

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

Pulling myself down to steal another kiss, I can barely contain my beating heart as I lie down completely against the man beneath me. Feeling the heat from his body radiating against me is almost too much for me to handle if it weren't so inviting.

"This is unusual for you" I inquire after breaking our kiss, Mello's eyes open slowly as they peer into mine. "Is that a bad thing?" He asks me, feeling his breath against my ear like this sends a shiver down my spine. "Of course it's not" I smile gently as I feel Mello dip his head lower to my neck, his lips brush against the sensitive skin before his lips press against it.

Pulling my arms away from the bedsheets beneath us, I wrap them loosely around Mello's shoulders as I savour the feeling of his lips against my neck. What I was not prepared for, however, was him to sink his teeth into my skin. I gasp in surprise, his bite was not painful nor did it leave a mark I am aware of, but his action had caught me by surprise. Although...

I kinda liked it...

"Someone like that?" He asks me with his lips still pressed against my skin, I can feel his smug expression on his face. "Shut up" I mutter under my breath before nestling my head into Mello's soft, blonde hair as he continues his kisses, and a few extra bites on my neck before he suddenly stops.

Sitting myself back up to look into his eyes, his hands loosely hanging onto my hips as a deep exhale releases from his lips, he almost seems uncertain. His pretty eyes look off towards the window looking out at the other high-rise buildings in the city.

"You sure you want to do this?" he asks me as his eyes turn back towards my (e/c) ones.

"It'll take our minds off of the stress" I tell him as my hands come to take hold of the end of my shirt, pulling it up and over my shoulders before dropping it onto the empty side of the bed. "And because..." I whisper quietly into Mello's ear, "I miss how you make me feel this way..." As I pull myself back, just so our faces are several inches apart, I can feel the shift in atmosphere as desire fills his eyes. "You're getting me all riled up, y'know" He whispers to me as his arms pull me back down onto his chest, almost knocking the wind out of me from how sudden it was.

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Mihael" I tease the blond before his lips crash against mine much rougher than he's ever done before, the desire, the want, I can feel it all in just one kiss, and it's beginning to take it's effect on me too.

I feel his promiscuous fingers along the curve of my spine, climbing up until it reaches the clips of my bra, he struggles for a few seconds but manages to separate the two seperate pieces from one another, it was a surprise, but a pleasant surprise none the less. I take hold of one end of the bra before pulling it out from between the two of us, piling it with my shirt that lies forgotten.

It wasn't long before Mello removed his own shirt, pulling it off from the shirt collar as it rides up his torso before tossing it onto the floor beside us instead of the bed like I have done, but where our clothing is the last thing I have on my mind.

I have something, much, much better.

Feeling our bare chests against one another takes me back to that night that felt like it was so long ago, I shudder feeling my breasts pressing against him like this as I hear a low but audible growl coming from the man's throat. His teeth against my neck as he gently sinks his teeth into my skin.

'I've never heard him growl like that before...' I think to myself, and it was hot, like... Really hot. I want to hear it again.

"Running out of patience?" I ask him with half-lidded eyes, watching his movements as he pushes me up slightly so I am in my sitting position again. "More than you know, baby" his words were smooth like silk, piercing my ears as he sits up, my knees push into the bedsheets beneath us as I sit up-right to prevent sliding down.

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