Chapter 60: End Of The Line [Pt 4]

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[Suginami City, Tokyo]

✞  3rd Person's P.O.V 

"Near..." Lidner's eyes fixate onto the road ahead of her as she speaks to the computer, opened up on the passenger seat with nothing but an 'N' displayed on the screen with a white background. "Mello has kidnapped Takada". There was a silence following Hal's words, but it didn't last long before a soft, almost feminine sounding voice responds to her.

"Lidner" he says her name though the microphone, "have you been leaking information about our investigation to Mello?" He asks her. Near knows better to think that Mello would act on his own at a time like this, with only two days left until the SPK meets with the Japanese Task Force on Daikoku Wharf. No, his timing can't be a coincidence. He has learned of their plans from someone within the SPK, who else could it have been from other than Lidner?

The blonde woman is at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to Near's question, but there is no avoiding it, or lying about it. The answer is staring then both dead in the eyes. "Yes, I have..." Hal admits. "But I haven't told him anything about Mikami" she specifies. All throughout their communications, she had never mentioned X-Kira to him, as Near had requested of her after their discovery, she has not broken that agreement. "Fine, if what you say is true, than we should still be fine" Near's words bring back Lidner's attention, "but that doesn't mean we're completely out of this mess yet. If Mello finds out about Mikami from Takada, then everything we've done up until this point will have been for nothing."

Hal's hands grip the steering wheel tightly into the palm of her hands as Near's words echo in her head... He's right. Everything the SPK has worked for since they've been established will be ruined if Mello goes along with this plan of his. It's obvious Takada is his target, he must be planning on capturing Kira himself, using her as bait... If Mello is aware of Mikami's role in this investigation, however...

"Lidner" Near calls for her name, bringing her out of her thoughts and back into the present. "Yes?" She asks, listening to his next set of instructions. "I want you to find Takada" Before Hal can say anything else however, Near stops himself.

"No..." he elaborates, "I want you to stop Mello, I don't care what it takes for you to do that, just make it happen".

Hal is surprised by Near's words, she had figured he wouldn't be pleased with the news of Takada's kidnapping so close to the 28th, doing his best to keep everything going smoothly without disruption, even telling Aizawa from the Task Force to stay out of the way until the meeting... But this..? It seems rather out-of-character for him.

"I-" She begins to protest Near's orders, but holds her tongue before any more words can be said. "Yes, I understand..." She complied with his commands before Near disconnects from the line, leaving Hal on her own to process Near's orders.

'We're all after the same thing, are we not? The SPK, you, your friends, and I... We all want to capture Kira and arrest them. In the end, justice will prevail'

These were her own words, spoken from her own lips. Never choosing one side over the other because it was meaningless, they're all aiming for the same thing, one way or another despite their methods.

But Hal, she knew it would have come to this one day, where she has to decide who she must side with, Near or Mello?

Near, he has his intellect and his calm demeanour. While Mello, he has his methods and his ambition for success to do whatever it takes. Despite Hal's relations with Mello, she is still a member of the SPK in the end, and that is where her loyalty must lie.


*Bzzzt* *Bzzzt*

Looking down for a brief moment, she noticed a call on her cell phone coming from the head of Team-C. Reaching down to answer the call, she redirects her attention to the road as she speaks, "Yes, what is it?" She asks.

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