Chapter 8: Arriving In New York

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I received a message from Matt that he caught the flight to New York early this morning since there wasn't much he had to take care off, while I on the other hand am running around like a chicken with no head getting my belongings together, recounting the American dollars I had converted from pound sterlings, making phone-calls; work related mostly, turning off my hot-water system so I don't come back to a sky-high water bill, gave any perishable goods/food to my apartment neighbour since I don't want the food to go to waste and finally contacting my landlord to check in on my apartment every now and then to make sure there are no break-ins and posting an announcement on my website that I am taking a break from private investigating for the time being for unspecified reasons, it's likely for the best that nobody knows that 'Tom' left the UK. At least for now.

As I get the final few things I need I finally sit down to let myself breath and rest my feet. Suitcase by the door and checked that everything is all okay. Blinds on the windows are down, fans and AC is off, the only light on on the house is my living room and I'll turn it off on the way out.

Why does Mello want us in New York so suddenly? If he needed us now then why not message a week earlier to give Matt and I some time to get everything together so we didn't have to run around at the last minute? I'm dying for answers at this point. But it's not unusual for Mello to be so brief in things, Wammy's House had always taught us to be discreet with messages and calls until we meet face to face. Caution is a priority to us students, never know who could be listening in.

I look down at my phone to see my flight is in about two hours, however it's always best to get the the Airport early than to get there late right? The last thing I want to do is waste a £240 ticket.

I get up and have a final look over of my apartment before I get up and grab my suitcase over by the door, glancing back before turning off the living room light and locking the door to my apartment.

"Hello dear, going on a holiday?" I turned to see another resident of the apartment, a few numbers down from mine by the stairs if I remember right. A very nice old lady, I smile politely before replying to her. "I... Guess you could say that".

I tug my suitcase along into the elevator and down to the ground floor where I get into the taxi I called for earlier and gave him directions to the international airport in London. As he sped off onto the main road rather roughly, I feel my stomach begin to feel a little queasy already.

This is going to be a looong day...

  10 Hours Later 

"We are now landing in New York, please keep your seatbelts fasten and and phones switched off until the cabin crew gave instructed you that it is safe to do so" the speaker on the cabin says as the plane is coming down closer to the runway. I try my best to see out the window unsure if it's out of excitement or anxiety. But the sudden jolt of the aircraft makes me feel sick to my stomach, which tells me we've touched down and on the runway as the plane begins slowing down. And then towards the boarding/departing walkway.

Ugh, my head is spinning from all this flying just stooop already...

"H-hey I can't see it's too dark! Mummmm I can't see outside it's daaaark!" I sigh uncomfortably as the little pre-school brat beside me wouldn't keep quiet pretty much during the entire duration of the flight, if he wasn't tapping away on a gaming device he was talking too loudly and being an all-around nuisance.

'This is what I get for paying for an economy seat...'

Finally we're given instructions to remove our seatbelts and get off of this plane but not right away because a majority of the passengers turn to their upper compartments to grab a their carry-on bags and slowly make their way to the exits, fishing inside the pocket of the backseat in front of me I grab a airsickness bag just in case... You-know-what happens...

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