Chapter 39: Old Wounds [Pt 2]

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3rd Person's P.O.V

[30th Of November, 1996
Coventry, England]

"I apologise in advance for the boy's attitude" The voice of a young woman could be heard from behind the closed wooden door. The young, blond boy could hear the footsteps from down the hallway outside earlier. He can only assume they're here for him.

When will they just leave him alone?

"He doesn't cooperate with the other staff and he can get... Aggressive, with the other children at times" she warned an unknown figure along with other words and whispers the boy can't quite hear from his bed where he sits. Just as the boy decides to give up and ignore the adults talking outside, the doorknob turn and open inwards as one of the caretakers of the Coventry Orphanage walk inside before closing the door behind her, along with an unfamiliar elderly man with grey hair and wearing a pair of glasses. The boy said nothing as he watched the two approached him until they both stood at the end of his bed.

"Mihael, is it?" The old man asked him. Mihael, uncomfortable with the interaction, turned away from the both of them. His eyes staring at the wall beside him as the silence hung in the air for some time, until the boy broke the silence. "I don't want to talk to you, old man" He huffed, his once bright blue eyes, that have now become dull didn't make eye contact with either of the adults until the woman spoke up. "Mihael, treat your elders with respect!" She scolds the boy's rude behaviour, though he has shown no signs of improvement since his arrival at the orphanage a few months ago.

"Why? Just because he's older than me, he doesn't have to earn it?" Mihael snapped back at the caregiver, not expecting an answer however. His words only seemed to have angered her more than before as she bites her tongue back. "Mihael, you're being extremely rude-" before she could scold the boy any further however, the elderly man, who has been quiet for some time, stopped her. "It's alright ma'am, this will not take long" he assures the caregiver before walking past her and beside Mihael's desk facing the window, the surface was covered with papers, pencils, sharpeners, highlighters and textbooks along with other learning paraphernalia.

The old man's hand rests on the top rail of his desk chair, "may I have a seat, Mihael?" The man asks the boy in a gentle tone. Mihael's head turns slowly towards the man as he tucks his legs up as his arms come to rest atop his knees, hugging them close to his chest. "Do whatever you want" Mihael tells the man as eyes catch the woman's furrowed expression in the corner of his eyes, holding back her spiteful words as she allows the old man to sit down on the desk chair.

"I will begin with a proper introduction" the old man tells Mihael before extending out his arm to the boy. "My name is Quillsh Wammy, but you may call me Watari" the old man introduces himself, Mihael's eyes turn to the man's hand for a moment before he turned away, uninterested in the man's attempt at interaction. "And you are..?" Watari tries again to coax Mihael into a conversation.

"The people here have already told you my name, so why are you asking me?" Mihael asks Watari, but he could care less if he received an answer or not. The boy only wished to be left alone in his room. Away from everyone.

Away from everything.

"Because I want you to tell me" Watari replied, his hand unmoved, waiting for the boy to return the gesture.

'Most people who come here would have given up by now, the old man is stubborn, if anything' Mihael had thought to himself before finally obliging Watari after some time and slowly took hold of the elderly man's hand.

"Mihael... Keehl" He introduced himself apprehensively.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mihael" Watari smiles gently as he lets go of the boy's hand. "I'm sorry about what had happened to your mother, it was... Tragic. I couldn't imagine the pain you're going through" Watari expressed his condolences to the boy, though the old man's words mean nothing to Mihael, he had stopped caring for his mother a long time ago.

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