Chapter 3: The First Snowday

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I never figured that it would work so well that day, since the truce we called back then Mello and I have been getting along great! Matt was definitely surprised when he saw the two of us together for the first time, but not the two of us fighting, but having a conversation without any problems. These past 2 years now, we would play soccer together, study for exams in the common room, engage in the occasional mischief when opportunity arose. Everything is wonderful.

I stretch my tired limbs as my eyes blink open from last night's slumber when I notice that this particular morning is a bit chillier than usual, I wrap the blankets tighter around me as I sit up in my bed and shuffle close to the window, dividing the blinds so I can get a peak from the inside, out into the courtyard.

To my astonishment, it's snowing! But it's the middle of March?! There were no predictions in the weather forecast earlier this week. And if this is real then that means...

No exams today!

I learned when I first came there that the children living here have a day off on the first snow day of the year, although England only snows once in a blue moon so it isn't very often they have a day off for a snow day. I throw the blanket from my body as I rush over to my dresser and find a suitable outfit for the winter morning and quietly open and shut the door to my room behind me as not to disturb Linda. I rush down the hallway down a few corridors until I make it over towards the boys dorms. Despite there being a rule that girls aren't allowed in the boy's dorms I disregard it and quietly open the door to Mello and Matt's room and peak in.

They're still sleeping..

"Hey..! Mells....!" I whisper-yell as I get on top of the blonde and shake him violently, awakening him from his sleep. "Wha- h-hey! What are you doing!" He groans as he grabs his blanket and pulls it closer up to his head. Trying to swat me away in the process.

"Look outside!" I tell him, getting up off the bed and lift up the blinds to reveal the fresh power of snow resting atop the grass, the trees and the buildings in the distance. Although it isn't snowing right this moment there still looks to be quite the amount of it outside.

"We can make snow angels, or snowmen!" I suggest, but Mello doesn't look very amusing at my excitement. "Aren't you too old for that, (Y/n)?" He asks which then I proceeded to pout. "I'm only 10 years old and so are you, you make me sound like an old lady!" I poke tongues at him followed by his face falling back onto the pillow. I turn to see Matt is awake too but still in amongst the bedsheets, these two are such grouches!

"Come... On!" I turn and grab Matt's hand and pull him out of the bed, well, I tried to but to no avail and only succeed in falling onto my butt.

"Fine... You guys don't have to come with me if you didn't want to..." I smirk, "I guess I'll just have to get Near to come with me, he should be awake by no-" I was cut off to Mello grabbing ahold of my wrist.

"Fine, give me a minute to get my jumper and I'll go with you, Near's a loser" Mello says before stretching and sitting up in his bed, "okay! I'll wait for you outside then" I smile before clearing out of his room so he can get changed.

A Few Minutes Later

I sit outside the orphanage's door as I bury my face deeper within the plaid scarf wrapped around my neck as I stare down at the snow excitedly, wanting nothing more than to go out there and play in the fresh snow. A few other kids are out here now, building snowman and making snow angels. However I stand my ground and wait impatiently for Mello and Matt to come out here.

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