Chapter 37: Just One Night

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"We should probably call it a night, Mihael" I turn to my side to face him, "you're barely keeping your eyes open". To my surprise, there are no retorts from his end this time. Instead, a deep, irritated exhale escapes his lips before leaning back into the sofa. His half-lidded eyes stare into mine through his long, blond eyelashes, i'm almost jealous of them. "Alright, fine. Let's go then..." Shutting down both of our computers, packing away his belongings, bringing only his phone with him while I grab together my own stuff before we leave through the front door to his room. As we're walking in the direction of the lifts however, It had me thinking about what Mello had told me a few days ago, back at the old church. He mentioned it earlier tonight as well.

Dreams... Mello told me back at the church that they've been repetitive, that he can never remember them when he wakes up, that they felt... Real...

"Do you want to talk about them?" I ask Mello as we are walking down the long, narrow hallway decorated with framed artwork on the walls. "About what... The dreams?" He guesses, I give him a short nod in response. There was a short silence between the two of us before we reach the lifts, a man walking outside of the left one before we walk inside, pushing the button to the 7th floor and the doors close.

"I would, but I can't remember what they're about, the memories disappear once I wake up" he tells me, "it wouldn't be such an issue if I could just go back to sleep afterwards". The lift finally arrives on the 7th floor, opening the doors before we step outside of it and head into the direction of my room. A few more moments later we finally reach the door. Opening it up, we let ourselves inside of the apartment before I set my things down on the kitchen counter.

"Fire" Mello says out of the blue, I turn to face him, who is facing the directing of the window leading out to the balcony. "There was a fire... In my dream..." I put my phone and computer on their charging plugs before approaching him; "I think there was a person too", Mello is able to recall some minor details as he places his phone beside mine.

I can't place the two together however. A fire and a person, there isn't enough to go on with just that. Though, it's only a dream, right?

When we were kids, Mello would tell me about his dreams all of the time, once it was about a world with buildings completely made of chocolate. Though, I've never seen Mello so worked up about a dream before, this one is different from the others, especially if it's making him loose this much sleep.

"What do they mean?" I ask. But by the looks of it, Mello had about the same amount of idea as I have, and that's close to nothing at all. I need some time to think, but Mello's tired and I don't want to keep him up any longer with my questions. They can wait until tomorrow.

"I'm going to take a shower, you can make yourself comfortable in my room" I tell him before disappearing from the kitchen and into my room to gather some clothes before walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

✞  Mello's P.O.V 

(Y/n) closes the door to the bathroom behind her as I take a moment before walking into her room. Switching on the light, the first thing that comes into my line of vision is the double bed in the center of the room.

(Y/n) wasn't lying, she really does have a bigger bed than mine. I don't want to think about it, however, I walk over the the side of the bed and get under the freezing cold bedsheets and duvet, my fingers trace over my rosary for a moment before deciding to leave it around my neck for the night, it's not like this is the first time I've done it.

The bed is soft, softer than the once in my own room. Not too firm or too soft. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm tired or not, but right now I could care less about that. I slowly close my eyes as I concentrate on falling asleep...

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