Chapter 32: Mello And I

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As I'm waking up, the pain I feel in my neck and back is discomforting but not unbearable. Feeling the cushions underneath me makes me realise I'm not in a bed at all, but on a sofa. Though, I still can't quite remember where this duvet covering me came from.

My memory recollects the night before, Mello and I... We were about to kiss before he went to take a call from Halle and I must have fallen asleep while he was still in his room.

As I'm folding up the duvet, I wonder to myself if Mello is the one who gave it to me. I certainly can't remember grabbing it. So it must have been. The idea of such a small and sweet gesture from him brings a smile to my lips. He really is much nicer than he gives himself credit for.

After I finish folding up the duvet, I carefully place it beside me. Sitting up, I feel the world around me spins a little, my hand reaches out to grab the arm of the sofa to prevent myself from falling over. Not even once did I drink any water or eat anything to absorb the alcohol I ingested the long night before. Once my headache subsides a little, I stand to my feet and make my way into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and some medication to ease my aching head.

Opening up a cabinet and searching through the labels until my eyes fall upon one, a pain-reliever, perfect. I pop two tablets from the aluminium foil as the directions of the box says before walking over to the kitchen sink and grabbing the previously used glass on the drying rack. I fill it up with tap water before making my way back over towards the tablets on the counter. Placing them in my mouth before washing them down, I find myself looking up at the wall clock. It reads 9:52am.

Damn, I wasn't asleep for long at all... It's no wonder I still feel so tired...

Washing out the glass and putting away the box of tablets, I decide to head over to Mello's room. He must still be asleep. But, I should let him know I'm going back to my room soon.

As much as I don't want to leave right now, we have things to do. We both do.

Slowly and quietly, I open the door to what I remember as his room. It's small, very small. The room couldn't have been any larger than 10m². It has a built-in wardrobe that takes up a fair amount of space but the bed takes up almost half of the room. I thought the previous rooms we stayed in since we've arrived in Japan were small, but this?

Walking in, I see a mop of blond hair barely visible from the bed under the covers of the duvet. With a smile, I approach the bed and kneel down in front of him. His face seems relaxed, I didn't want to wake him while he is comfortable. But, telling him is better than leaving a letter right? He probably wouldn't see it anyway.

Gently grabbing his shoulder, I gently shaking it to wake him up, he stirs for a moment before becoming still again. "Hey" I whisper, "Mello, wake up". I shake him one more time before he finally opens his eyes, blinking them before focusing on me. "What... Wh- What time is it?" He asks me, but does not make any attempt to sit up or move. "It's... Uhh...." I take a moment to recall the memory of the time on the wall clock in the kitchen. "It was 9:56am, the last time I checked" I tell him, "that was about a minute ago".

Mello let's out a loud exhale before rolling over onto his back, his eyes fixated up on the ceiling. "It's too early for this..." he groans, "Why are you awake already?" He asks me.

"The sofa was... Really uncomfortable..." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. Mello turns his head slightly, enough for his eyes to connect with mine. "Yeah, sorry about that" he apologises, "I didn't know if I should have carried you to my bed while I slept on the couch or whatever, so I just gave you a duvet and left it" He explains.

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