Chapter 30: Preparations

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

December 31st, the last day of the year for 2009. Everything I watch on the television and everywhere I walk outside, I'm reminded of it, it goes to show that here in Tokyo, and perhaps all of Japan, this is the most important celebration of the year.

Outside the doors of businesses and houses were little decorated trees, but these were not Christmas trees, they had pine branches, plum tree sprigs and three small bamboo shoots in the middle with each one a different length from one another, held together with a rope attached to some paper streamers. I must have been caught staring at one of them because a kind elderly lady passing by had told me that they are called 'kadomatsu', decorations placed outside of people's homes around this time of the year to welcome ancestral spirits or 'kami' of the harvest, they're placed after Christmas all the way until the 7th of January of the new year.

I wanted to spend New Year's Eve outside of the apartments, walking in the streets and looking around to see what Japan is like around this time of the year. But when I brought the request to Mello, he refused. Reminding me that we had to keep a low profile, we can't risk being seen in public too much, especially after that last incident.... At the nightclub...

I understood his perspective, however. The three of us agreed to spend the New Year's Eve inside of Mello's apartment this year, like we did on Christmas Eve a week or so earlier. In order to prepare for the evening, I left the apartment to get some drinks and a lighter for Matt since his last one ran out of fluid, and he asked nicely.

Now that it's nearing January, the days are getting colder and colder as time goes by, little white flurries fall from the sky before landing on the ground below and merging with the countless other snowflakes covering the sidewalks of Tokyo, not one cherry blossom in sight on the trees decorated around the city as only snow and some small sparrows are sitting atop the branches.

People rush past me from all directions, more than usual, I've never seen the city so busy before. It seems everyone has some last-minute preparations for the holiday. As I was walking, I was stopped by a cat standing in front of me, the sweet little feline brushed his grey and black-patterned fur against my leg as I lean down to pet his head. I must have been there for at least 10 minutes before I realised I had to hurry on. It was painful, leaving him behind, but he was well-groomed and wearing a collar, so I'm sure he'll find his way home sooner or later. Perhaps it's a daily habit for him.

Finally, I enter an Off License as the cashier from behind the counter greets me with a smile. I browsed the shelves for a while before I grab a few packs of beer and a bottle of whiskey. However, I found myself looking at the saké as well, a traditional alcoholic drink made from polished, fermented rice. I've always found myself wanting to try it since I've arrived here in Japan. Is it dry, is it bitter? Does it take like rice at all?

However I have no idea which one I should get, so as I go to the register to pay for the beer, whiskey and a lighter displayed on the counter for Matt, I asked for the best kind of saké they had. The man brings back a tall, dark blue bottle with kanji on the front I could not read, however I can read the 'Tokubetsu Junmai' in romaji on the lable. What does that mean?

I thank the cashier and leave after paying with the drinks and lighter in a plastic store bag. Though, getting back to the apartment is going to be a pain, there were no Off Licenses anywhere around the building so I had to take a train over to the next station. However, I still have some things to pick up.

It's getting late, I'll be dark by the time I get back.

One Hour Later

When I had finally returned to the apartment, it was well after dark, I find the brunet and the blond sitting on the sofa watching something on the television as I come through the doorway, kicking off my shoes and throwing my keys up onto the kitchen counter. "Hey" I get the guy's attention as I walked over into the living room with a few bags in hand. "Are we ready for this party?" I ask them with a smile as Mello digs through the bags while Matt looks up for a second, "mm hmm" he hums before turning back to his game.

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