A/N: Thank You For Reading!

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Hello everyone!

First of all, I can't believe HeartBreak is finally complete after 2 and a half years! But like all things, however, they must come to an end.

I feel that HeartBreak has really put my writing into perspective, that I have come a long way since I first started. If I an honest, however, I don't think I would have finished this story if it hadn't been for everyone's kind words and encouragement that really pushed me through my continuous writer's block throughout this story.

I really can't thank you all enough for the encouragement and support you have all given me throughout the development of this story, I really do believe it has helped me become a better writer from when I had first started, and I hope this story gave all of you the same amount of enjoyment as it gave me.

Thank you, everyone! < 3

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