Chapter 2: Friends?

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Mello's hand rests upon the doorknob where he tried to open it, but the knob doesn't turn far enough, showing us that it's been locked. "It's locked, now what genius?" He taunts as he points it out, but I just smile mischievously in response, "you think I would have come unprepared?" I ask as I pull the keys out from my pocket. He steps away from the door as I unlock it and the both of us walk in.

And as we had hoped for, no caregiver or kitchen-hands are in the room. We hurry over to the walk-in pantry and close the door behind us in case someone comes in here while we're grabbing what we came here for.

"There it is" I whispered as I pointed up to a high shelf where a bar of Mello's prized possession was placed, collecting dust. "I need you to lift me up onto your shoulders, I can't lift you because your too heavy" I replied, with a groan and some reluctance from Mello he complies and crouched down slightly, I slip off my shoes before I use a food crate from behind me to lift myself up, I place my left foot up onto Mello's shoulder slowly so he can adjust to my weight before I push myself up with my right foot and balance myself using the shelf infront of me so I don't fall.

"This is a pretty risky trust excercise..." I chuckle nervously as I look down to see Mello giving me a pretty angry look. "J-just hurry up! You're going to dislocate my s-shoulders" he growls with cracks in his voice from the weight of me on his shoulders, I nod and I reach out onto the shelf and grab ahold of one of the chocolates. "Got it!" I whisper-yelled in victory, taking that as a queue, Mello crouches down enough for me to get off of his shoulders using the crate.

Mello runs his shoulders in discomfort as I apologise before reaching out to hand him the chocolate he's been craving since this morning my guess is. However before he could take the chocolate from me, I hear the sound of someone opening the kitchen door and the two of us scramble over behind the door of the pantry since there is no other place to hide, my eyes trailed to the ground as I mentally face-palm.

I left my shoes over by the crates! If whoever is in the kitchen walks in here, we're both going to get chewed out for su-

The door to the walk-in pantry opens as I see one of the orphanage's caregivers hauling a crate of large bags of sugar, she grabs them one by one as she stocks the shelf slowly. I can feel my heart beating hard in my chest, my hand rested there in an attempt to calm myself, it takes everything I have in me not to breath heavy and make a lot of noise, getting us caught.

"Hey! What are you doing in here?"

My breath hitches as Mello's hand is placed over my mouth to stop me from making a sound. H-have we been caught..?

My eyes shut tightly as I feared our hiding place had been exposed. I can feel sweat trickling from my head as we see the caregiver's gaze peering out into the direction of the kitchen, what's going on?

"S-sorry madam! But Susan told me you may need some assistance" another one of the orphanage's caregivers replied nervously, she sounded kinda young so she may be one of the new workers they hired a few weeks ago. "I'm fine Hannah, but since your here why don't you grab the broom and do some sweeping in the hallways? Tracked a lot of mud inside today" the caregiver packing the sugar grumbled.

As my fears began to subside, it's now when I notice that the broom that the caregiver Hannah was looking for was RIGHT BESIDE ME.

I turn my head to see Mello without a look of fear or even concern in his eyes, maybe he gets into more mischief than I though if he is so relaxed in a situation like this. Noticing my distraught, he brings his fingers to his lips as a sign to keep quiet, his hand is removed from my mouth as he pulls me gently closer towards him where the space between the wall and the door became smaller.

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now