Chapter 50: Rising Tensions

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I noticed it a few days ago. I tried to ignore it, pushing it into the back of my mind as far as it would go. Whenever he entered the room, it all comes back to me, back into my focus as my mind anxiously creates nonsensical scenarios of what it could all mean.

Mello, something is bothering him.

That in itself is not new, every week or so there is something on his mind but I can usually get it out of him if I show him that he can trust me. He seems fine when he is talking to Matt however, the atmosphere only changes when I enter the room.

Is he... Angry at me...
Did I do something wrong..?

I am almost too afraid to ask, it could all be a huge misunderstanding, maybe it's just all of the stress weighing on his shoulders with the plan being only 4 days away... There is always a risk, however. That's how it's always been, and I am willing to take it. Mello may not listen to many people; if any, but he will listen to Matt and I.

Turning my empty gaze away from my brightly-lit screen as I see Mello concentrating on the book with a bold, red coloured cover in his hands, turning the page rather hastily as he seems to be looking for a specific page, I can't tell which book it is, but I'll take a shot in the dark and assume it's one of the many instruction manuals Matt had brought with him from England and all the way to Japan.

I turn back to my screen and my mouse before clicking away at the maps of the streets surrounding the NHN studio where the plan begins.


I hear Mello call my name as our eyes make contact, this is the first time he has spoken to me in almost 3 days. "We need to talk" he tells me in a rather serious tone that makes me feel anxious.

Am I right..? Did I do something wrong..?

"What's up..?" I ask him, closing my laptop as Mello walks closer to me, sitting on the opposite side of the sofa before leaning back comfortably, although his expression looks anything but comfortable, or relaxed.

"What's with that look on your face?" He asks me, I have no idea what he is taking about but I can only imagine I have an anxious look on my face. The more he stalls, worries me even more. "You have me all worried, just... Say what you need to say" I laugh nervously as I try to shake away the feeling, it helps a little but not a whole lot.

"Hey, if you think you've done something wrong, you haven't... That's not the problem" he tells me, but the last part of his sentence only confirms my suspicions... "So... Something is wrong" I say, but he dodges the question and changes the subject.

"Your job is communication, to relay updates and messages to Matt and I on the movements on Takada's bodyguards" I can't quiet tell if it was meant to be a rhetorical question or an explanation, if anything it has only caused me greater confusion. "Yeah..?" I confirm.

"I asked Matt about his confidence in luring Takada's bodyguards away from the roads leading to Nagano, he believes he is able to do it on his own" Mello tells me.

"So... That means I only need to relay messages?" I ask him, but I can't ignore the feeling of my heart about to beat out of my chest. "No... Messages between us aren't necessary, it will only make us easier to trace" he elaborates. As the words sink further however, I finally begin to put the pieces together.

If Mello doesn't need me to keep an eye on the bodyguards... If he doesn't need me to relay messages between he and Matt...

"I don't need you here on this case anymore. I want you to go back to London"

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now