Chapter 38: Old Wounds [Pt 1]

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

My eyes open slowly as they adjust to the light flooding into the room through the window blinds. This morning is different however, the light isn't blinding me like it usually does. This is until it registers in my mind as I feel a movement in my arms in front of me. Mello stayed with me last night, we shared my bed and we fell asleep.

His chest rises and falls with his slow, shallow breaths, he's so quiet I can barely hear him breathing. At least his dream hadn't come back after waking up earlier. I think so, anyway.

I wish I could stay here in my room all day with him, at least until he wakes up, but I have work to do... Carefully, I pull my arms up and away from Mello, he stirs for a moment before resuming his slumber. As I roll to the bedside and sit up, the blinking red light on the alarm clock reads 10:03am.

With an annoyed sigh, I get up onto my feet and walk into the direction of my bedroom door on the other side of the room, turning around in the doorway to look at the sleeping blond one more time. An affectionate smile appears on my face before I close the door behind me.

✞  A Few Hours Later 

"I can barely understand what the manual says, Matt, it's like an extraterrestrial wrote this" I groan with exasperation over the phone to my friend, who laughs in response. "An extraterrestrial? That's a new one". Since I've had no progress on the manual Matt had sent to me a few days earlier, I decided to call him about it, but all Matt has done is laugh at my struggle.

"You've always had a knack for hacking and technology, but I don't" I explain, which has only likely boosted his ego, "I just need you to run me through it so I know what to do". There is a silence on the other end for a moment before Matt responds, "I'm up to my neck with things to set up. I'll have to explain it all to you tomorrow, okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, that works for me" I reply through the receiver, "I'll see you soon, Matt" as the two of us are wrapping up and exchanging goodbyes, Mello open the door of my bedroom and walks out into the living room where I am sitting.

"Hey, you're awake" I state as I put the phone down beside me. "Did you sleep well after that dream?" I ask, he closes the door behind him and walks towards me, "It didn't come back, at least" Mello tells me as he sits down on the sofa beside me. Although it's only been once night of sleep, he already looks better, the bags under his eyes haven't totally disappeared, but they aren't as visible as they were yesterday. "That's good to hear" I smile at his response.

"Were you talking to someone earlier?" He asks me after a short pause between us. I didn't know if he had heard me before, so I guess I have the answer to that now. "Yeah... I was calling Matt about a manual he had sent me" I explain to him briefly, deciding not to go to in-depth with Matt and I's conversation since it was rather boring.

Before anything else could be said however, Mello's phone begins to ring. Getting himself up off of the sofa, he walks towards the kitchen counter where he had left it the night before. Before picking it up he turns to look at me, "it's Hal, I should be getting back to my room" he tells me before answering the phone and holding it up to his ear, "Hal, what is it?" He asks before opening the door to my apartment and walking out into the hallway, closing it behind him.

I felt a little sad that we didn't have more time together, but we both have business to attend to, we'll have our free time when this case wraps up. At least I hope so.

With every incoming or outgoing phone call from Mello, I find myself thinking about Hal. All I really know is that they've been helping Mello since before Matt and I were let in on this case. He had also mentioned a while back that he stayed with Hal in New York for about a week after what had happened in the warehouse in Los Angeles.

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