Chapter 34: Inanis Ecclesia

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Over the period of a week. Matt, Mello and I have been working harder than we ever had before, the sudden but expected news that Near is putting his plans to expose Kira into place has Mello on edge and now he's eager to put together a plan of his before that can happen.

Matt and I have been made aware of Hal's undercover work as Takeda's bodyguard for the time being, so Mello has been receiving some of the NHN announcer's schedules. It's definitely pointing us in the right direction if anything.

I still have no idea why Mello insists on coming out here with me however. It's late in the afternoon and the sun is shining in our eyes as Mello rides his motorcycle down the old and worn-down road leading outside of the city into the quiet countryside. Though, the countless rice fields growing on the hills beyond the horizon is an impressive sight to behold, I have to admit.

My mind is pulled away from my thoughts as Mello turns off to the side of the road and onto a dirt path leading to an old building a few hundred meters away. When we finally arrive closer to the building, Mello extends out the kickstand and the both of us get off of the motorcycle. I remove my helmet, placing it where I was previously sitting as I look up at the structure casting a shadow down onto Mello and I. Now that we're up close, I can tell it's an old and run-down church of Christian architecture.

I wonder why it's all the way out here, it's at least an hour drive from the city, and I haven't seen any towns nearby. The cracks in the concrete and the walls surrounding the church shows the lack of maintenance that had been put towards preserving this place.

With all this in mind, it brings me back to what I was going to ask Mello since we arrived here.

"So... Why are we out here again?" I ask the blonde beside me as he removes his helmet and placing it beside mine. His hand brushed through his messy hair as he turns to look at me. "You'll see in a minute" he tells me, removing the motorcycle's key and walking away from the vehicle towards the dilapidated church. As he is walking I can hear the dry, dead grass crunching underneath his boots. It's clear there's been very little to no rain out here in some time.

Something was... Off... I can't quite place my finger on it however. I am feeling a sense of 'deja vu' as I am looking up at the old, run-down church. I wasn't given much more time to think about it however, the sound of a dull 'thud' sound brings me away from my thoughts and over to Mello who is in front of the doors to the church.

"What are you doing?" I ask Mello with a sigh as I approach, standing beside him as he examines the door some more until walking around to the side to find another door, one that probably connects to the transept.

"Finding a way in, as you can see". He tells me in an exasperated sigh. Eventually, Mello is able to get the door open from the side. With that, the two of us carefully walk inside of the church. The first thing that comes to me is the musty, earth-like scent inside. Clearly some mould has made it's way into the wood and other places inside. Running my finger along the alter collects an abundance of dust on my finger before I brush it off onto my shirt. The windows are so old and unkempt the sunlight can barely penetrate through them.

It almost gives off a strange and uneasy vibe, the silence is almost driving me mad as we stand in here. However, I must have thought too soon. My nose twitches with what feels like an insatiable itch, I take a sudden deep breath in before exhaling through my nose with a sneeze. "Bless you" Mello says as he walks past me as I sniffle before catching up with him.

"It's just this place... It's like it's been abandoned forever" I express to Mello as he walk into the aisle and seats himself down on the pew, relaxing back as his eyes are focused up at the alter. "It has been abandoned for a long time" he tells me. "I did some research into the place before we came here".

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