Chapter 25: Quiet Streets

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Mello and I ran out of the nightclub, hand in hand, not stopping for anything in our way. We hadn't gone straight back to the apartment like I expected however, my mind still spinning to even realise that after we ran for several streets until we finally veered down a poorly-lit alleyway, His hand still tightly grasping mine as we leaned our backs against the wall to catch our breaths. I'm just glad I didn't wear heels tonight.

So much has happened in the past five minutes, it was insane to say the least. Having a drink at the bar minding my own business, a guy approaches me and everything went south from there, my legs are still shaking from the whole ordeal.

"What the hell happened back there?!" I was pulled from my thoughts to look up at Mello. His hand finally letting go of mine as it falls to my side. His chest rising and falling rapidly as he looks at me furiously. The expression he is showing me in his eyes, It scares me.

"I..." I'm speechless, my mind blanks as I am trying to piece things together, everything is still hazy to me. "I- I don't... know..!" I admitted through my breaths as my hands reach for my hair and grasp onto it as I try to hold myself together, psychologically.

"I wasn't- I wasn't giving him any... Mixed or misinterpreted signals or anything... I-I told him I wasn't interested! Then he- he tried to grab me a-and so I-" I ramble on until Mello gently grabs both of my wrists, slowly moving them away from my head as I let go of my hair.

As I'm trying to recollect my thoughts, Mello speaks. "It's not your fault! I'm not..." His voice goes quieter as the both of us calm down a little more. "I'm not blaming you for what happened, that bastard shouldn't have-" He suddenly stops himself from saying anything else.

He turns his head to look back towards the street for a moment before focusing back onto me. "Did he hurt you...?" He asked me in a voice barely above a whisper, but I could hear him clearly.

The streets are quiet here, only a few pedestrians walking by and a few cars driving by, much quieter for how early it is here compared to back at home.

"I'm... Okay..." I tell him, but I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes, the shame and embarrassment of Mello having to come in and save me like some damsel-in-distress is all too much. "I shouldn't have... I should have just stayed in the apartment-" I say out loud, although my words were more to myself than Mello, he didn't seem happy about it however.

"I just said it's not your damn fault! Stop blaming yourself..." Mello raises his voice again, before catching himself and calming down. "I'm just..." He pauses before leaning back onto the wall behind him, crossing his arms as his eyes stare down at the concrete in front of him. "Glad you're okay..." he tells me.

A long silence followed between us as I join him leaning against the wall, clinging to my jacket as a cold breeze blows through the alleyway. The quiet chatter of the streets, softly playing music in the stores and the vehicles on the road kept the city feeling alive as we stand here, for what felt like a few minutes.

"Do you... Feel like talking about it?" Mello asked me in a quiet voice, breaking the silence between us.

Thinking about what happened back in the nightclub fills me with anxiety, all the 'what if's' circled in my mind as I think what could have happened to me if... Mello hadn't been there, would... Anyone else have stopped him? Why did nobody else stop him?

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