Chapter 6: An Investigator In London

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I lift the glass to my lips as I finish up the last sips of a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. My eyes drifting from my own dinner table over to another a few tables away where a man and a woman are on a date.

But I know better than that, because I've been sent here to do a little 'investigating' for a client of mine. It isn't my first choice to dress up, apply my makeup and go to a fancy restaurant by myself of all things, but what needs to be done, needs to be done.

My eyes flicker around the room to be sure I am not attracting any attention when I ready my hidden camera in my purse and click the shudder at the couple.

From the information I was provided by a woman named Scarlett, she had suspected her husband of 5 years to infidelity with an old college girlfriend of his. And after trailing him these past few days, it looks like I have to make a pretty disappointing report to her after tonight. But in the end, it's best if she knows the truth right? That is what she payed for after all, for information.

After I left Wammy's House about 5 years ago now, I moved away to London where I made a reputation for myself under an anonymous name and a hidden face, with a little help I became a private investigator in the heart of London and the rest is history, sometimes I'll get an exciting murder case that was dropped due to a lack of evidence. While most of the time I just deal with petty crime and cases like this one, however I still take these investigations on because whatever pays the bills right? Living in the city is expensive, but where there is lots of people there lots of opportunity.

I shut off the camera's lens and pull it out of the bag without any of the waiters or waitresses noticing and I flick through the photographs I've acquired through the past two hours of sitting here, they turned out well enough to serve as evidence to my client but my investigation isn't over yet. I have to see where these two decide to end their night.

✞  A Few Hours Later 

Upon opening the door to my apartment I drop my purse on the kitchen counter and crash down on the sofa in the sitting room, flicking on the television before grabbing ahold of my laptop and bringing it over to rest in my lap as it powers on.

It isn't going to be easy to say but as I had suspected, Scarlett's husband and his college ex girlfriend walked downtown and found a hotel and the two entered to rent a room, after a few snapshots of the two entering and getting into the elevator while sharing a deep kiss, I decided that's as close as I could get that night and got out of there and went home.

Flicking my eyes over to the TV nothing of interest is displayed on it but news coverages and such, more of the same. Once I type in my password and log into my laptop I connect the microphone and fix my posture and sit up correctly. Connecting the camera to the laptop I'm ready to make the call.

I go onto the application I use to contact and make calls and exchange messages with my clients when on the job, I hover over the call button for a moment before pressing the green button, it highlights as it makes a calling sound. I tap my fingernails against the coffee table anxiously as I await her answer, hoping she is still awake at this hour of 11:30pm. Finally, she answers. Moving over to the machine my microphone is connected to, I flick the voice-filtering switch on.

"Hello Scarlett, I've made a lot of progress today in the case of your husband's infidelity" I tell her, the voice transmitting through the machine is deep, a deep voice several octaves lower than my own.

"How is everything Tom? Is he cheating or is this all just a misunderstanding?" She asks me, or 'Tom' I should say.

After moving to London I went under the name of Tom Sullivan when I became a private investigator. It made my job much easier when everyone thinks 'Tom' is a man, makes it much easier to follow my targets when I have to. Besides, I doubt a large amount of my clients would have taken me seriously if they knew a 19 year old girl was the one behind the computer screen, huh?

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