Chapter 63: Memories Of The Past

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[Kan-etsu Expressway, Outside of Tokyo]

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Lidner and I have been driving along the long and busy expressway for an hour and a half now. I never realised how far away Nagano is from Tokyo until now. The further away Lidner and I travel from the city, the fewer cars and buildings I see as the city life is slowly replaced with nature. Tall trees swaying as the wind blows through their leaves in the chilly winter breeze.

My attention is taken away from the outside however when I heard the radio in the car mention something about Takada, but it is too quiet to distinguish what is being reported. Leaning forward, my fingers grip the volume dial before I turn to Lidner, "do you mind if I..?" I ask, her eyes look to me for a moment before their return to the road in front of her, "not at all" she replies.

Without wasting any more time, I turn the volume dial to slightly increase the volume, I listen carefully to the broadcast.

"-have been no other signs or sightings of the kidnapper this far, sources believe they may be in hiding or have left Tokyo. The accomplice is also believed to have been transported away from the Shibuya Police Station's custody earlier today, their current whereabouts are also unknown. We will keep everyone updated as we uncover more-" Before the broadcast finishes, I turn the volume back down to where it was before as I slump back into the comfortable car seat, my head rested against the headrest.

My eyes stare ahead of me towards the road before my eyes turn towards the woman beside me, her eyes seem intently focused on the road but her mind almost seems like it is elsewhere. I wonder what she's thinking about?

Lidner and I have barely spoken since we left Shibuya in Tokyo, I can barely stand sitting here in this vehicle in one of the most tense moments of my life, I want to say something to take my focus away from all of this, even for a moment, but I can't risk telling her something better left unsaid.

Turning my head and resting my chin against my hand, my elbow against the car door as I gaze outside of the window. I see my face in the gentle reflection of the glass, just barely. I can see the scowl present on my face too, I didn't even know I was doing it. I take a long, deep breath as I attempt to relax, it helps a little, but not as much as I would have liked it to.

"Hey, Lidner..." I call her name to draw her attention, she doesn't reply to me right away but after a pause she speaks, "yes, what is it?" She asks me.

I had hardly stand this silence anymore, but what can I ask that is casual but also relevant to this situation? I ponder in my head for a moment or two when something comes to mind, it's something I've been curious about ever since Mello told me about Lidner.

"How did the two of you meet?" I ask her. Her attention draws to me for a moment as her head turns towards me, her eyes piercing mine. "Mello and I?" She asks me for clarification, to which I nod. "It's umm... Well, it's complicated" she says reluctantly as she purses her red lips together. It seems like she does not want to say any more than that, so I decide not to press her for answers.

"Mello and I been in contact with one another for a while, but we had only met face to face for the first time three months ago" she explains to me. As I count back 3 months however, I notice something. "Three months ago... That would have been after the Los Angeles Warehouse explosion" I say, more so to myself than to Lidner, but she replies anyway. "That's right" she tells me. "I didn't even know who he was when he turned up at my apartment in New York, half of his face was badly burned and blistered from the explosion"

I remember Mello telling me about him laying low inside of Lidner's apartment for a week or so after what happened in L.A 3 months ago, I didn't think too much of it back then but... Learning Lidner was a woman was a new revelation to me at the time, but I never payed it much mind, I'm not easily jealous.

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