Epilogue: Original Ending

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I hold my breath as the sound echoes through the dark, empty apartment. My thoughts run wild through my head as I push my hand against my knees, slowly rising from the cold, hard floor as I turn to face the door.

The light from the hallway shines through the small cracks of the door from all four corners. However, there are two spaces from the bottom that cast a shadow into the apartment, someone is standing there.

What if it's... No, that's impossible...

I open my mouth to ask who is standing there, but I can't seem to get my words out from my irritated throat, instead, I reach forward and take the cold, metallic door handle into my hand, gripping it nervously before quickly turning it and swinging the door back towards myself.

I squint my eyes as the bright light illuminates the apartment as I take in the features of the person in front of me.

It's Hal...

Whatever hope I had inside of myself earlier disappears faster than I had ever thought possible at the revealed identity before me. Why do I keep doing this to myself..? Why do I keep bringing my hopes up, only for them to come crashing down again, further and further down each time?

Mello is dead... I have to accept the reality of it, no matter how much it hurts, how much I want to believe it's not true.

"Hal..? What are you doing here..?" I ask her as I notice one of her hands are occupied with holding a laptop by her side. The same one she carried with her in the car when we were driving to Karuizawa together just hours earlier. "I know this isn't an appropriate time... But Near insists he must speak with you" she informs me, gesturing with her other hand to come into the apartment.

Right now I just want to be alone, away from everyone, away from everything... To sit here in the darkness with nothing but my own pain and sorrow. As much as I want to tell her to leave me be, I can't.

With a short sigh, I move to the side, my hand still holding onto the door handle before I close it behind Hal as she walks into the living room, sitting down on the sofa as she lifts the screen to her laptop. The light illuminates her pretty, pale face as I let go of the door handle and make my way over towards the blonde and sit down beside her, my unadjusted eyes squint from the bright screen as her fingers glide across the keyboard delicately, pressing numerous numbers and letters. A few awkward and silent minutes pass before a call is coming through the monitor. An 'N' in a cloister black font is displayed on the screen, the letter Near uses to identify himself.

"(Y/n), it's been a long time, hasn't it?" He asked me through the computer's speaker, his voice is unmodified, as monotone as it always has been since the two of us had met all those years ago. "Yeah, I guess it has" I reply the best I can without loosing my composure, "but I know you don't want to talk for the sake of catching up. What do you want Near?" I ask him rather straight-forwardly.

Usually I would humour him, but... I am in no mood to do so. Not today. I may not have know him as well as Mello or Linda did, but he isn't the type to reminisce on the past or on relationships, no, it's always about the investigation to Near, always getting straight to the point.

"Good, since we're on the same page and I'd rather not waste any time, I want you to come to the S.P.K headquarters I've temporarily set up here in Tokyo" Near tells me. My eyes widen at the words he had just said through the computer's speaker. "You want me... To come to the S.P.K headquarters..?" I ask him as a brief pause follows my words, not for long though. "Yes... That's what I said, is that a problem?" Near asks me, although his question sounds rather accusatory, it's genuine, sincere.

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