Chapter 59: End Of The Line [Pt 3]

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[Koganei City, Tokyo]

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"I-I don't know how it happened, but... Takada's bodyguards they- t-they got ahead of him, I don't know w-where they came from-" My words are spewing out without making any sense as my mouth moves faster than my logic.

"Snap out of it, (Y/n)!" Mello shouts through the receiver, bringing my words to a halt as a deafening silence hung between the two of us, gripping the side of the desk tightly in my hand as it continues to lightly tremble in the utter shock of loosing my close friend only moments ago. "What happened..?" He asked me quieter this time, I take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Mello..." I apologise to him as my back leans against the wall beside me, "I'm so sorry..." I choked out as I hold myself, almost like letting go will allow me to fall and shatter into a million and one pieces without any hope of piecing them all back together.

The utter feeling of hopelessness, despair... Guilt. Could this have been prevented if I guided him differently or was this inevitable from the beginning..?

"I never thought he'd be killed..."

Mello's voice was barely above a whisper when I heard him speak through the receiver, I'm surprised I even heard it. I heard him utter some more words after that, but they were completely indecipherable to me, perhaps they are words not meant for me.

"C'mon, let's finish this" Mello says to me, his words catching me off guard. "I'm heading out towards Nagano, we'll talk again later-" His receiver cuts out before I can speak another word to him. Slowly, my grip loosens on the device until it drops onto the carpeted floor beside me.


How can he find it inside of himself to keep pushing on despite what's happening..? Matt's gone... But...

No... Mello's right. We have to keep pushing on otherwise all of this will have been for nothing. Matt's death would be for nothing if we give up now.

Kira has been a bloodied stain on this world for over 6 years now.

It's time for their reign to finally come to an end.

*Knock* *Knock*

I freeze at the sound of 4 clear knocks coming from the front door of the apartment, a shadow casting on the floor in the hallway, so I know for sure it's not some kids playing around, knocking and running off. Salespeople don't usually come by around this time or this day either.

No- It couldn't be... That's impossible.

But if it's not him... Then...


"Kore wa keisatsudesu, doa o akete kudasai!" A man shouted through the door, unfortunately I do not know Japanese well enough to understand what he is saying. But it doesn't sound pleasant.

Have I been discovered... B-But how..?

Quietly, I send out a transmission to call Mello, holding my hand up to my ear as I listen into the earpiece, and wait... C'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Pick up Mell...


"I can't talk ri-" before Mello can finish his words, however, I cut him off in a hushed yet urgent tone. "There's someone here" I whisper. "I hear a commotion going on outside, it sounds like there are more people there now".

"Wh- Wait... You're telling me you've been traced..?" He asks me as he seems to be in disbelief, as am I. This isn't something we planned for, it hadn't even crossed our minds.

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