Chapter 12: The Flight To L.A

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I remember when a few days ago I had a hunch that Mello, Matt and I would be tailing those Task Force members to Los Angeles some time soon but I didn't think it would be so soon.

And that jerk didn't really give us much time to get our stuff together in our apartment either, of course Mello had to throw a few of things in my case because he didn't have the room in his own so I had to throw some of my things in Matt's suitcase, it's going to be absolute mayhem getting all of our stuff back from one another once we get to our new 'base of operations'.

"The flight is at eleven, we have to get out of here now!" Mello shouts as Matt and I are running around the apartment to get the last of our things packed away as Mello looks down at his phone for a moment, typing on the keypad before putting is phone away again, probably texting someone but that's the last thing I care about right now.

Before we all check that we have all of our belongings we leave through the door, I take out some pills I left out for myself to hopefully ease my motion sickness when I get onto the flight, otherwise if not it's going to be one hell of a ride for us. And not a fun one.

"Okay, okay we're coming, sheesh" I roll my eyes at Mello's demands as Matt and I follow him out the door where after going down the hall and the elevator, he hands in the hotel's key to the receptionist before we walk into the car park with a hurried pace and stuff our suitcases in the back of the cab waiting for us before Mello gets into the driver's seat and this time I shotgun the front passenger seat since Matt's always there.

"It's five minutes past ten, we're gonna have to take the short-cut to the airport. The Task Force member's will be there soon and we can't afford to let them get away."

"Just please... Don't swerve too much okay..?" I beg him as I follow close behind.

✞  An Hour And A Half Later 

Things went a lot more smoothly than I expected when we got into the plane and get into our assigned seats. However Mello had informed us upon buying the tickets that we would be seated away from one another as not to attract attention however being a flight to L.A there weren't many seats vacant and our reservations being rather last minute the two of us were seated next to each other while Matt was two rows in front of us on the opposite side of the plane.

But this arrangement isn't exactly favourable since I didn't want to risk throwing up in front of Mello if this flight gets rough but it's too late to turn back now. Besides this flight is only six hours and no stops so at least it's not as long as when I traveled from London to New York.

I'm seated in the middle of the seats while Mello had the window seat, and on the aisle seat was a woman who looked to be about the same age as us, but I payed her no mind and rested my head back onto the cushion of my seat as people were still walking around the airplane, packing away their carry-on bags and one in particular that is close by is jamming their small suitcases into the overhead storage while an air hostess is trying to tell them it isn't going to work, but alas, they keep trying to get out of paying extra.

Well, I just hope the noise will die down once everyone is seated and the airplane takes off... I turn my head slightly to see Mello is staring out of the window out onto the tarmac. Peaking out  of the window there isn't much to see, other airplanes that have either arrived or are soon to depart are lined up in the window's line of sight. Not only that, we are seated near the middle of the plane so the wing is also covering a bit of the view.

But hey, we didn't come here for the view now did we? We're here to follow the task force members back to L.A where we might even learn where they're staying so we can be a step ahead of their plans.

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