Chapter 57: End Of The Line [Pt 1]

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[Koganei City, Tokyo]

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

'It's morning... Finally'

I think to myself as I sit myself up from the bed, hugging the bedsheets close to my body as I feel the chilling, morning air against my skin.

Last night... Was the worst night of sleep I've had in years, waking up after waking up, nightmare after nightmare, I was restless.

Some of the nightmares made no sense at all, nonsensical things, while other nightmares were about Takada's kidnapping, dreaming in every possible way of how it could all go wrong, my heart would not stop racing.

I didn't want to worry Mello and Matt however, so I tried to keep a brave face on as we carried out the rest of the morning putting everything that was left to do in place. Matt and I finished setting up the last of the desktop and the 5 monitors connected to it, I thought it was a little excessive but Matt told me it was necessary and I trust in his words.

It's a lively Monday morning and the sun is still high in the sky as it's light penetrates my eyes, sitting on the cold, hard concrete steps leading into the carpark entrance to the apartment. Mello and Matt are having a conversation beside the brunet's 1968 Chevrolet Camaro while I struggle to keep myself awake.

'I don't have time to be exhausted, not today'

"Just don't do anything crazy, man" Mello tells his friend as Matt waves him off, starting the engine and pulling his gear into drive before pulling out onto the road, his car disappears into traffic.

"I should get going" Mello tells me as he walks over to his motorcycle to grab ahold of his helmet. Getting up from the concrete stairs, I approach the blond to see him off before his departure. "Mell-" I call his name, he turns around promptly to face me, "just... Be careful out there..." I force a smile onto my face as I struggle not to have a nervous breakdown.

Mello breaths out a long sign before putting his helmet down onto the motorcycle's seat. His hand takes ahold of the rosary around his neck.

I figure he's holding onto it as reassurance like he always does, but to my surprise, Mello lifts the crucifix over his head and removes it from his neck, "Mell, what are you-" before I can finish asking him, he silenced me by placing the rosary around my neck. Looking down at it, I take the crucifix into my hand as my fingers brush against it gently.

"Hold onto it for me" he tells me, "it's always got me through the hard times, maybe it'll do the same for you". As I let go of the crucifix, letting it hang from my neck against my chest. I feel myself being pulled into a sudden embrace.

As he holds onto me tightly, I return the gesture as my head rests in the crook of his neck, his hair in my face as my eyes close to really savour this moment. As I feel his arms pull away from me, I come out of my peaceful daze and back into this terrible reality, my fingers grip onto the leather jacket on Mello's back, I don't want to let go.

"(Y/n), I have to go" Mello tells me, his hands on my shoulders. Finally gathering the strength to let go, I feel the urge to hold onto him again, for as long as I can, but I can't.

We have to do this, there's no turning back now.

"I'll come back, you'll see" He gives me a rare smile before pushing his dark-tinted motorcycle helmet on his head before starting up the engine.

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