A/N: Explaining The Endings

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Hello everyone! I would like to start this off with thanking everyone who has made it this far into the story and I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. Although it is sad this story is so close to completion, I am glad to have a long break once the endings are finished.

It was so hard for me to choose between two of the endings, so I decided to do the both of them and add a third one so no matter who is reading this, everyone can read an ending they can enjoy!

Down below the three crosses are short descriptions of the three endings I will write about so you can decide which one would be the best for you.

Just a quick note: Each ending is written in very similar ways, so it is unnecessary to read all three of them, but you can if you wish to.

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Bad Ending:
The bad ending is probably as far as angst can go in a story, Mello and Matt are dead and the reader is left alone. She returns to England but is unable to cope with her losses and chooses to end her life. A very dark ending and I will have very clear warnings on what the chapter contains so if you are sensitive to the topics of self-harming, suicide, depression etc. You can completely avoid that ending. This chapter is for the souls who enjoy very dark and angsty content.

Neutral Ending:
This ending is a step up from the bad ending, but also a step down from the good ending. Mello and Matt remain dead but the reader finds a new meaning in her life and she eventually heals from Mello and Matt's death and she carries on with life. This ending is for those who want a bittersweet but 'realistic' ending or one that is most like the canon anime/manga. And as a side not for those who were curious. This was the original ending for HeartBeat (my previous story) as well as this one. But many commenters wished for Mello to remain alive, so I decided to go through with a multiple-choice ending.

Good Ending:
This ending isn't exactly a 'realistic' ending from a Death Note perspective, but I figured many people would want this one because Mello is revealed to have survived the fire and the death note. Matt remains dead unfortunately (I wanted to keep some sense of realism) but the reader learns something important about him, I will not say what as to not spoil it however. This ending is for those who wish to have Mello alive despite the story's realism, but it is a good ending, none the less.

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Thank you for those who decided to sit through and read what each ending is about, however it is not important as I will have warnings at the top of each chapter so I do not offend or upset anyone with any of the topics I will write about.

These chapters will take some time to write, however, they will be much longer than most chapters I have written. They will be about 5,000+ words each. I'm not sure exactly when they will be out since I will be publishing all there of them at the same time. It could take as soon as a week, but it shouldn't take any more than three, I'm not really sure. I will try to make it a Friday however so keep an eye out for my updates on those days.

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