Chapter 36: Uncertainty

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

My eyes follow the line connecting the two buildings on the map displayed on the screen in front of me. Turning away, my hand picks up the pencil and turns over the page to a new, clean one. Jotting down some notes in my recently purchased notebook before I let go of the pencil.

Between Matt sending me these instruction manuals for many different types of equipment and Mello asking me to look into every police station in the area surrounding the NHN building is driving me into the ground. Not to mention my own stuff piling up, I'll never have it all done.

All of this writing is beginning to make my wrist ache. Although, this notebook has made my life easier with writing down some information about the Kira Case and reading back through it from time to time so I don't forget any important details, Mello thinks it's a bad idea having something like this just lying about. Worrying it may end up in the hands of our enemies perhaps, I've been mindful to keep it locked away. I think the man is a little too paranoid, but can I blame him? No.

Letting go of the pencil once again to look back at the computer screen, I minimise the map and open up the email application, the three of us have been using this as our main source of communication for the past... 11 days now? Time feels like it's been slowing down since we moved into this place... Perhaps it's because I haven't seen Matt since the New Years party, and Mello... Since we'd taken that ride outside of the city to that abandoned church.


I've recorded all of the addresses you asked of me in your previous message, however I need some confirmation on a few I've highlighted in the attachment.

Hitting the send button, I decide to give my hand a rest so I bring up the word file Matt had sent me about the equipment being delivered here for the final plan. Mello has been the one working out the major and minor details, Matt being the expert with machines and the like has been ordering the equipment required for the three of us, while my job is to learn and memorise the roads and routes of the city, it's always been a gift of mine to remember small details and memorise information... But this certainly is no easy task since Tokyo is the largest city in the world by population, no exaggeration.

Scrolling through the instructions, I can already feel the headache coming on as I'm looking at the words. Sometimes I wonder if it's even written in the human language. I'll need to ask Matt to explain this all to me one of these days.

I'll need more caffeine for this...

✞  One Hour Later 

This is strange... It's been over an hour now and I've heard nothing from Mello. He's never kept me waiting this long for a reply. It's only 6pm he can't be done yet... Right..?

I doubt something bad has happened. But I need that double check before going any further with it. Walking over to my bedside table, I pick up my phone and go into my contacts, hitting the call button on Mello's icon and holding it up to my ear.

I take a deep breath as I hear it ring once... Twice... Three times now... C'mon, pick up already... Four times... Mello, pick up the phone, I swear to god... And, message bank.

I breath a sigh of frustration before pulling my phone away from my ear and taking it with me back to my desk to get back to work. If he's not going to pick up I'll just wait for a respon-

*riiing* *riiing*

I freeze on the spot as I see Mello's name highlighted on my phone screen. Quickly, I hit the green button and hold it back up to my ear.

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