Chapter 10: Small Talk

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"Ugh... Finally..." I groan as I push the door on the car shut as the three of us are walking out of the car park. It's not that Mello is a bad driver, but being in a car too long just makes me...

"I can't believe you still suffer from motion-sickness, especially this badly. We weren't even on any rough roads" I don't even have to be looking at Mello for me to tell that he's smirking at me, asshole.

"The road doesn't have to be rough... Doesn't even have to be a road, anything that creates motion will make me loose whatever's in my stomach..." I tell him, "Besides we were following those 'task force' guys around all day, be glad I didn't mess up your car, you jerk" I retort as we head back inside the hotel and passing through the reception and into the lift. Matt taps away at his gaming system while Mello is eating chocolate as usual, and I'm just holding my stomach.

"Well, now I can finally relax at least" I sigh blissfully as I lie down gently on the sofa and switch on the television the minute I walked through the door back into the hotel, the interior may be run-down and crappy but after today I won't hesitate to call it my temporary home. Mello is already sitting down on the couch while Matt is sitting on the loveseat as fingers keep tapping at his game as he flings his legs over the armrest to get into a more comfortable position, although it doesn't look that comfortable.

After ruffling up my hair a little I make my way over to the two when I notice Mello has his feet up on the sofa taking all of the space, so I grab his legs which gets me a glance from the blonde  and lift them a bit before I seat myself down onto the sofa and let them go and the jerk deliberately drops his feet on me as I hear his chocolate bar snap.

I pay him no mind and reach for the television remote to turn it on, I flick over the channels a few time before finally finding a bearable show to watch as I prop my legs up onto the coffee table.

After a few minutes to by I turn my gaze to notice that Mello is typing away of his phone but I'm not feeling nosy so I just turn back to watch the show again, but it seems that he must has noticed my stare regardless.

"I'm getting information about the task force from a member of the SPK" he tells me. And now that I think about it, I remember Mello saying something about him staying for a week in one of their apartments before Matt and I came here, I think this person's name was 'Hal', although I've come to notice he doesn't talk about this 'Hal' like they're a spy for him or anything but rather more like someone who is playing both sides of the coin, assisting both Mello and Near at the same time, but... I wonder why that is...

But when it comes down to it, Mello and Near are aiming for the same goal for very different reasons, but the same goal none the less, maybe this 'Hal' person realises this?

Maybe, perhaps one day I'll meet Hal and things will clear up.

"Okay..." I reply, too tired to come up with a better response than that, I've done enough investigations and tailing today I just want to lie down and get some sleep, but if I sleep now I'll throw my routine off and that isn't going to go well in the future so I'll just stick it out until at least 9 or 10pm.

✞  2 Hours Later 

Some time ago Mello got up from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen, since I wasn't paying attention I'm not sure what he's doing at the moment, so when I take a glance I see him staring into the refrigerator as all the cold air is running out.

"Mello what are you doing in there?" I throw the question at him, however he doesn't respond to me right away as he grabs his his jacket and his wallet. "I'm running low on chocolate so I have to get more" he tells me, "need anything?" He asks as he holds the front door open to look back at Matt and I.

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now