Chapter 53: My Friend, Matt [Pt 3]

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Matt's P.O.V

With the information I had, I waited until the evening when Jo was in the shower before gathering some money and the address of the bar in the RopeWalks. I just hope she doesn't get into too much trouble because of this.

I walked out of the door to the house to the bus stop, waiting there for only 5 minutes or so thankfully before the bus arrived. The driver was an old man who didn't seem to care that a 5-year-old was walking into the bus without an adult, at least, not after I slipped him some extra money.

Dad would always say 'money talks', I guess he was right about one thing.

It didn't take long to get to the RopeWalks, though I did get some weird look from the other bus-riders when I got out into an area well-known for its bars and pubs, but I payed them no mind as I walked down the pavement towards the address I had with me. I found some books in Jo's house, one had a large map of Liverpool, made in 1994, so it was pretty recent. It was a little further than I had expected, but that's as close as the bus stop was to the bar. Standing in front of the bright, neon sighs pointing to the front entrance.

I have to sneak my way in. Otherwise this will all be for nothing...

When I notice a man entering the bar, I quickly slipped in behind him as we walk in, he didn't seem to notice my presence. Keeping myself close to the wall and in the dark corners away from the other patrons, I was able to get past the pool tables and the bar. Just as I was approaching the stairs that go up to the hotel however, I felt someone grab ahold of my arm, turning around quickly, I saw an unfamiliar man behind me. Tattoos covered his arms, his hair and beard reaches past his shoulders, he looked like a stereotypical biker, but from the shirt he was wearing I guessed he worked behind the bar. "What're you doing 'ere, kid?" He asked me with a gruff voice, "where 'r yer parents?" I was beginning to freak out on the inside.

Please... Don't let this be over... I'm so close...

"M-My... Dad... He's staying here" I told the man, pointing up the stairs, as he followed the direction of my hand however, his hold on my shoulder and expression didn't change. "What's his room numb'r?" he asked me.

I froze. I had no idea what room my father was staying in, I couldn't get that kind of information from the internet, and if I tell him I don't know... He'd think i'm lying. But I can't keep quiet forever.

"I-... I don't know..." I admit to him, the man didn't seem too pleased with my answer, gripping my arm a little harder, he begins to pull me away from the stairs. "Lying lil' brat" he scolded, "kids aren't allowed in ere'!" He pulled he harder towards the exit. "No! L-let go!" I cried, trying to pry the man's hand away from my arm, but he is too strong, even as I try to dig my heels into the timber floors beneath me. This is it...

It's over...


I turned my head into the direction of the familiar voice... Jo?

"Mail, what are you doing?" She asked me with anger and worry in her voice, the man's grip loosened as he noticed her. "This kid yours?" He asked her. Jo's eyes meet his, "I'm his- guardian." She explained, he let go of my arm as I rub the reddening skin.

"I'd advise you watch im' next time, lady. Kid's ain't allowed in ere' without an adult" he tells her, but Jo didn't seem to care as the man walked back to behind the bar and she walks over to me. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" She scolded me, I flinch at her raised tome as I look into her furious eyes. She was scary when she was angry. "H-how did you find me?" I asked her.

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