Chapter 45: Alone With You [Pt 2]

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Warning: Contains sexual intercourse and mild swearing.

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

Each time I feel Mihael's soft lips against mine, my mind spins a little faster and my heart beats against my chest a little harder. His thumb gently pressing against my face beside my earlobe, his fingers grazing against my neck as our lips meet once again, softly, delicately like a butterfly's wings. It seems like minutes before our lips part once again as the taste of his lips linger on my own, sweet, like the chocolate he indulges.

With my arms draped over Mihael's shoulders, I feel myself relax as I pull his body closer to mine. My hands gently grasp at the back of his shirt, feeling the soft fabric between my fingers as his lips graze against my neck. My body shudders underneath his delicate touch.

He seems to have noticed, I feel the smirk on his lips as his breath hits my neck without a need for an exchange of words. I struggle to keep my eyes open as I feel Mihael's lips brush against my collarbone. Humming softly at the euphoric feeling, I gasp as I feel teeth gently bite down against the bone, however not enough to draw a drop of blood.

"A-A little warning would be nice, y'know" I whispered to Mihael as I can feel his gaze fixed on me. "You don't like that?" His voice is low and rough, it fills me with an excitement I've never felt before. "I didn't say that" I mutter as I pull him closer to me, even more so that before. My response seemed to have excited Mihael, however. "I never thought you'd be a masochist" he chucked under his breath, I blush as his accusation but I simply disregard it. "Be quiet" I scoff.

From my lips, to my neck, Mihael's lips have me under his spell as my body becomes warmer as the growing need to remove layers of my clothing increases. Taking my hands away from his back, I gently push against his chest. He stops in an instant as his blue irises stare into my own (e/c) ones with concern. Before he could ask me if something was wrong, or if I wanted to stop, however. I smile reassuringly as my fingers grasp the ends of my top, lifting it up slowly above my stomach, my chest and finally my head before I flick it off onto the carpeted floor beside the bed.

The small beads of sweat glistens against my (s/c) skin from the light coming through the windows from the outside, his eyes wander across my body for a few moments before they return to my own eyes. Despite how dark it is, I can see a faint smile painted on his face through the window's light. It wasn't one of lust as I would have expected, but one of sweet affection.

"You're beautiful... Y'know that?" He asks me in a voice barely above a whisper, but I heard it and I can't help but smile bashfully. "Mell, you'll kill me with those words" I chuckle quietly as he moves closer to me again, his lips only inches away from my ear. "Well, you'd better get used to it" Mihael whispers to me as his own shirt soon joins mine on the floor.

This isn't the first time I've seen him shirtless, but this is the first time I've ever taken the time to really admire his body. Almost instinctively, I reach out my hand as my fingers press against his chest, brushing against his skin as they travel down between his abs before stopping just below his navel. My eyes travel away from his body back up to his face where his eyes follow mine. "I didn't have my hands all over you when you removed your shirt" He chuckles before he takes my hand in his, removing it from his own body.

Before I can utter a word, I am pulled away from the headboard of the bed and pushed down against the much more comfortable mattress as I see Mihael above me. A silver reflection catches my eyes however when I notice the rosary that still hangs from around his neck.

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