Chapter 21: What Lies In The Past Pt 3

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✞  Mello's P.O.V 

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I stayed in London for some time after the incident in the underground parking lot. Because I knew that diving in head first without a clear plan is surely going to get me killed. Or worse.

The Mafia are discreet, they move in the shadows... They're dangerous... That's what makes them perfect for my plans, why I need them by my side. During my research into the Italian Mafia, I learned that most initiations into the notorious gangs is through murder.

In all my time out there in the streets, I've hurt people, stolen from people... But this is all because I had no choice, for my own survival. But murder... I've never had to take another's person's life before, would I even be capable of that when the time came for it? Ending a likely innocent person's life just to further my own goals?

I... I have to...

I'm not going to like it... But I have no other choice...

I'll beat Near... By. Any. Means. Necessary.

Even if that means someone has to die.

Over the next year and 10 months or so of my time in London, I had become more involved in the more illegal underground activity there. It wasn't as hard to find as I thought it was going to be, to my surprise. There were mostly ex-cons and drug dealers, a few forgers and couriers selling contraband, and many other types. I kept clear of the street gangs however, they don't associate with another, always starting conflict, usually ends in assault or murder, so I just kept to myself.

I never made any real connection while I was down there, but I learned a lot from watching everyone else. Fights happened at least a few times a day, I'd watch the way the opponents position their fists, how they balance themselves on their feet, how that make the first and last swing. I started a few of my own fights just to see if my observing payed off, I lost a few that way but I won more than I had lost. One loss resulted in a cracked rib or two however, that's what I get for picking a fight with a guy twice my age and size...

Once I managed to get the money together and find a forger willing to work with what I had, I got ahold of a fake driver's license for identification before getting on a one-way plane ticket to Italy. That was the first time I had ever been in an airplane before. Growing up in an orphanage, none of us were rich enough to afford plane tickets, even if it was founded by a famous inventor back in the day. But it was terrible, kids wouldn't stop screaming and the seats felt like rocks... At least it wasn't long, the flight only took 2 and a half hours.

Once I finally arrived in Rome, Italy, I got to work almost as soon as I had left the airport, I had a small advantage thankfully, back at the orphanage we learned a little bit of Italian, French and Spanish a few years ago, not only did they teach us to be the best and smartest, they wanted us kids to be adept at more than just one language, I guess.

I didn't know enough of the language to be fluent however, while I kept tabs on the Mafias here in Italy, I also took some time to learn and adapt to the language. After all, I don't know how long I'm going to be here in Italy.

It took longer than I had expected, however. A little over 6 months to finally make contact with a Mafia in Milan. I maintained contact with them for a while but they ran into a rough patch with some police so I had to clear out of there.

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