Chapter 24: Night's Life

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Warning: sexual harassment/assault, violence.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I haven't been out for that long, looking at the top of my phone's screen to read the time, it says 5:09pm. I take a moment to breath out slowly before I begin typing out a response to Mello, I squint my eyes to focus my on my screen to check over the spelling, feeling satisfied that everything in the text box is spelt right, I hit send.


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.


I put my phone back into my handbag and begin to drink from my glass again, the ice rests against my upper lip as I begin to drink down from my now third glass of (Fav. Al Drink) before resting it back down on the bar table.

The memories of yesterday still linger in the back of my mind, however, the drinking seems to have helped. I don't feel the same shame and humiliation I had felt. I'm not sure if I feel 'better' however.

In the beginning I felt fine, better actually. However... The more drinks I order and skull down, the more emotional I am feeling. Maybe... Coming here was a mistake...

*bzzzz* *bzzzz*

I turn my attention back to my handbag when I fish out my phone again, I type in my password slowly as I am trying to keep my vision straight, it was wrong the first time, second time was right, thankfully. It automatically opens to my message app and the following read:


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.

Can we talk?
In person? I'll come to you.


Reading the message sent through to me, my finger hovered over the keyboard, my mind completely blank.

I don't want him to see how much of a mess I am, right now. But... I can't keep running from this, running from the past, running from my confession...

I have to face it, I have to own up to it, like an adult.

I breath in deeply, exhaling as I clear my head, slowly typing in a response, reading it over at least three time before I finally send it through.


Hey, where are you?

At a nightclub, i'm just having drinks.

Can we talk?
In person? I'll come to you.

Yeah. Okay.


I couldn't quite recall the address of the street corner the nightclub is on, so I just sent him the name of the building that was listed out the front. He'll be able to find the address online.

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